You must see this parlor, one room deep. Below, a view from the frontyard. The warmth of draperies, and lamps glowing.
(Poppets, from your frontyard, looking into your home, ask, "Are the views into my home so fabulously interesting intellectual-well-read-successful-talented-mentoring-civic minded-active-athletic-art-loving-appreciators-of-good-cooking-charity-giving-people curious? Face it we are voyeur's. And, don't you adore Tara Questions?)

Inside, below, the window from above.

Alas, the weather was nice, we never sat here, below, we used the patio for wine-canapes-conversation-dinner-breakfast-lunch.

Same room, below, views the back garden too.

I adore rooms scaled for comfort, beauty, conversation, reading, napping,

and viewing the garden.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Hope you enjoyed my client's home in Macon, GA. None of the pics were styled, they didn't know I would be taking pics. Remember, pics were taken quickly, early morning while still in my gown/robe. He was starting the coffee when I began & it finished brewing as my pics were done. Then, the 3 of us sat on the patio, with our coffee, and began talking gardening. Then, she served breakfast at the patio table. Loved the breakfast quiche and the little sourdough rolls with homemade fig preserves and peak of season fresh fruit salad & etc...
Yeah that looks really comfortable in shape, furnishings, and view.
That is one cozy room! Amazing the atmosphere books create! Too bad the view out the window includes cars...Ugh!
Totally, utterly sublime.
And, illustrates perfectly why I do so love curtains.
Oh I always used to peer into my home through the windows at night.. that was my favourite part of taking out the rubbish... wondering how our rooms looked from the outside... yes, with the lamps on in all their coziness. I think I even took a few dodgy, blurry photos to remind me of those moments. I hear you Tara, I hear you! A-M xx
The colors are so warm and inviting. Do like the window treatment.
Tara, loved the beautiful post from Macon. Thank you for sharing the gorgeous photos.
Hi Tara,
I can say's a very cozy room!
Love to see all the decorations of this room.
Thanks for inspired me!
happy weekend,
I adore a one room deep house! I remember seeing a house on Woodward Way in Buckhead, and mentioning how much I admired the house to the architect who designed it. He said that it is one room deep, which is his favorite kind of house. Because the house is deep - built perfectly for its narrow lot - I hadn't realized it was one room deep, because it was really one room wide. The front of the house had two rooms, but a large staircase with lots of windows was in the middle of the house on the right, so that back of the house was one room.
'A Pattern Language' also loves a house that is one room deep - because of the ample opportunities for light on two or three sides. They acknowledge that one room deep houses are more expensive to build (although they try to say they aren't); I can tell you for a fact that one room deep houses are more expensive to build because of all the ratio of the wall space to the inside space! Worth it, in my humble opinion.
The 'wings' of our house (being built) are one room deep, and they will be the most beautiful parts of the house.
Thanks for sharing all the photos from this house inside and out. The rooms are lovely, warm, inviting and the decorating so personal and classic.
Oh Tara I LOVE this room. Actually I think I like smaller intimate rooms like this far better than the larger grander rooms with high ceilings. They look wonderful but they seem to loose the cozy warmth of a room like this one. Seeing pictures like this makes me glad our living room is tiny. THANK YOU for taking these pictures and sharing them with us.
Maura :)
One room one deep! Completely divine!
The new fabulous book by Gil SchaferThe Great American House talks about the importance of that!
And an "enfilade" connecting"physically, visually, aurally, one end of the house to the other"!
What a wonderful living room! It sounds like a divine house!
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