My home & garden, below.

Love the
(FANTASY) world I've created within a cluster home subdivision. Living in the world but not of the world.
(Note: western sun baked this area & winter's wind slammed into it. Not anymore. Tea olives/cleyeras stop the cold winds & crape myrtles shade me, dropping foliage for winter's sun to warm me & host song birds all year to sing & entertain me. Yes, Poppets, the workings of the universe/nature were created solely for my amusement. Lawn, above, belongs to my neighbor.)

Near Virginia Highland, above. Trees, wall, car have been exactly like this since I moved to Atlanta in 1982. Ooooooh, the mystery of that garden.
Hedges & walls; great for creating mystery. Every garden needs Mystery.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Say Sab, recognize that car? Yes, it's a Buick Wildcat !!! Remember flinging me out of the car while you were still driving it???? Poppets, my grandmother gave a 1964, white with red leather interior, Buick Wildcat to my sister & me when we were teenagers. Pic, above, taken last month while sitting at a red light.
Charleston and New Orleans both have great mystery gardens. I always want to take a sneak peak...
My first thought was, "This is beautiful--I wonder what's beyond that hedge and look at those delicate trees atop the hedge." Yes, I want to see more! I have a brush cherry hedge, but . . .I have no mystery going on :(. . .I need to work on creating some out there! Thank you for the inspiration, Tara.
I thought that was a Wildcat!! Grandmother's was prettier and yes, I remember you flying out of the car! Don't tell Dad!
How romantic to have that mystery
around your home. Love that feel.
yvonne brings to mind the secret garden, where the hidden entrance(?)- of course everything in *your* garden is wick (alive) I'm sure!
hi tara,
is that why my yoga room feels so mysterious? it's all the bamboo!
hmm. something new learned here today. as always.
oh the memories of high school, cars and what went on in and out of them in your case!
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