Only 2 years ago this antebellum home was enlarged slightly.

Indian artifacts & antiques predating the Civil War, many inherited, fill the entire home.

Every bit of this room, below, new construction.

Only a few feet beyond the window views, above, is a neighbor's home.

Sconces, below, were rescued from an old home. New ones were made to order.
I adore copying table tops, below, for shrub & understory tree placement in gardens.

A portion of the home was removed and placed freestanding, below, as a dependency.
Yes, top pic, she served mimosas & I didn't say 'no'.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken last month in Athens, GA. Same home/garden as the previous post.
* Such a super lovely posting this a.m.~~~ I like this look alot!!!
Linda in AZ *
* That was a LOVELY posting, Val!!! Thank you!!!
Warmest blessings,
Linda in AZ*
These images are beautiful, and those sconces-fabulous...
That house has a nice feel to it. I can tell even though I sit here in France. I think it's all the painted wood, harks back to grander times in plantation houses yet still cozy!
Hello Tara,
Hmm ...I like what you said about the tabletop. That's something that makes sense when you're placing smaller trees or shrubs or flowers under a larger tree. It's a bit like layering. Thanks Tara!
Maura :)
Heavens, I hope you didn't say no! I'm so envious of all that gorgeous natural light.
Beautiful- I love that chandelier- were those light bulbs or candles?
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