Susanne Hudson, a year ago, asked me to build a garden with her for the
Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival. I knew then it must be a Garden Room.
We Field Gathered over 95% of the Garden Room. The roll, below, know what it is? Jute erosian control fabric. Can you guess how we used it?

Disgusting 1980's French doors, from the dump, turned into something fabulous, below.

Our wagon, below, filled with a foray behind the barn.

Pine timbers, below, from a factory torn down in Atlanta, about a century old.

A good man for this project was unspoken, below. Notice, we did not think 'crew of men'. Notice, too, more Field Gathering: old wheelbarrow, bed frame, & altar table on its side. But you already saw that yesterday. Oooh-la-la, notice the old bathroom sink in the Tara Turf?

Poppets, pay attention to the galvanized culvert, below.

How would you use it?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
This is exciting... I want to see the finished product! Hmm I'm not sure how I'd use that culvert..maybe turn it over and dig it down into the garden dirt a bit and cover the arch with dirt and plant low growing ground cover over it in a shade garden and under it at each end have a stone rabbit or something peaking out? Like an old rabbit burrow. Old fashioned idea maybe? It would have to be in a lush shade garden of ferns and hostas. Oh well...that's my vision. Now I'm REALLY looking forward to learning and seeing what you do with it! Have a wonderful day....Maura :)
That is so cool Tara! Can we see the finished project?
That top photo provides a wonderful glimpse!!
Can't wait to see more of this.....
The galvanized cilvert part would make an interesting overhang across the doors?
Funny; I call my little one (12 yr old son) Poppet!
What a teasing post! I bet it is wonderful...can't wait to see. FrenchGardenHouse is having a Belgian Linen GIVEAWATY, pls. join us~Lidy
hi tara,
would you please come over and build one of these in my garden, and please bring those disgusting french doors too. this is going to be fabulous i can tell. love those lamps in the last post.
I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, you naughty tease! Love what I've seen so far.
Fun post! Can't wait to see the finished work! I'm thinking the jute is used as "curtains"?? And the wonderful culvert would be a fabulous demi-lune table base!!
Ooooh! You have peeked my interest!! Can not wait to see what you are going to do. Some really fun elements being used here, Kathsyue
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