The Sacred & the Profane. Got both?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
(Big leaves with small leaves, blue foliage next to burgundy foliage, pyramid forms next to horizontal forms, blowsy hydrangeas bursting over neat green hedging, spikey flowers by round flowers, & etc.)
Top pic taken last week at Stone Mountain Park, bottom pic England.
Love the concept, the symbolism and the application. In the simplest of terms the continuum/tension between the sacred and the profane is life itself. And several of your examples embrace the yin/yang of masculine-feminine. Another example of sacred/profane?
p.s. my word verification was holysm
I try not to use profanity around my plants ;-)
Wonderful pictures, thanks.
Right now, I suppose the garden is more mundane, than either sacred or profane. But I am trying lots of burgundy, blue, and chartreuse foliage....
Christine in Alaska
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