How did the know-it-all inventor of Vanishing Threshold not know to name the rooms inside her home?
Dulcimers, piano, autoharp, turn-table, antiquated stereo system, comfy seating, art, lamps, window with fabulous view.... Years of junking. Nothing had to be bought.
Hardly used for 23 years, SS (since Susanne), this is my morning spot. Reading the paper & watching the sun rise behind contorted filbert, witchhazel, Southern Indica azaleas, pieris...
Notice vase on the piano? A bouquet of antique tools.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Music Room wasn't finished when I took the pic so you're seeing only a sliver. Found the chair, broken, in the basement of our family house on Lake Rabun, a delight & worth your time, promise. It's an American windsor dated 1897 on the bottom. Red Beck, in Tucker, GA, now closed, fixed the chair & finished it with historically correct wax.
Tara, Y
Years ago in Miami Beach, I had a room with arched windows
that over looked the Cruise ships. I made it a Music room for Renee's piano lessons. Also used it for
plants as it was so sunny, I painted in there too. Really
miss the room. It is a good room to have. You made a good point.
Bouquet of antique tools...on a grand piano...LOVE it! Enjoy your morning room!
I love the idea of a music room - and yours turned out beautifully! Please make sure that the bouquet of garden tools doesn't tumble into your beautiful piano and damage the strings - in my house there would be a high likelihood of that happening!
What are your outdoor rooms called?
Gorgeous room! Gorgeous. I too have a music room... it is much loved and used... piano practice x 2 boys x daily. I name all my rooms too. Off to have my morning coffee in the 'music room'. A-M xx
Oh Tara,
How beautiful. I love glimpses into your home. Show more!
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