Notice what is not in this landscape? NO FOUNDATION PLANTING !!!!
Notice what is in this landscape? A French theme. OVERDOSE YOUR THEME.
Notice how simple this landscape is? KEEP IT SIMPLE SWEETIE.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic via Things That Inspire. A favorite blog, named to perfection.
Is minimal hard to design and more expensive to get right? No place for anything to hide.
Hi Tara
It's actually difficult to do. Certainly for me. I have to fight the urge for a bit of this or that.
It's knowing when it's just right.
Beautiful house by the way. I love the 'boules'.
Have a good weekend
Oh I have just found your wonderful blog. Great ideas, great advice... and being a non green thumb, love your thoughts on keeping it simple! A-M xx
I saw a picture of one of my favorite houses in the sidebar - my own little discovery in Atlanta (a veteran realtor even emailed me to ask where it was, as she had never seen it - it was literally .5 mile from her own home - it is so beautifully tucked away).
There is something about this house that has SUCH appeal - I think it is the 'keep it simple' philosophy. Also, I am a sucker for a French theme anytime, anywhere!
Thank you for this post. I need to walk Ben by this house sometime soon so I can see what it looks like in the winter.
i love this house!!! and i love no plantings. so french.
loved your comment about your talk with your husband- hahah. why do they think we actually CARE about their "opinions?"
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