Oakleaf/'Anna Belle'/Pee Gee, tolerate full-sun in my zone 8 garden. Oakleaf's bloom early summer, 'Anna Belle' most of summer, Pee Gee late summer.
The burgundy foliage? A Weeping Cut-Leaf Red Japanese Maple. Bought for 90% off at Lowe's. A hand-written sale sign for all shade trees several fall's ago. Ha, the cashier said this tree wasn't included. Hunger, lust, desire, dahlings, I had to have this tree. Yes, a $200 tree for 90% off. Had to ask the cashier for the manager, to get the sale price. Wholesale, trees this size are more than $200. Sold, $20 !!!
What you can't realize about this vignette in my garden? It's at the front of my tiny property and neighbor's houses are EVERYWHERE. But, la-ti-da, I have my little Cotswoldian idyll and don't see them.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
$20 maple? Good grief.
I've been snagging some great deals on plants at Home Depot. Same goes for my local garden center. Exhilarating!
Yes, Rob Browder, www.precisionpruing.com, does all my pruning. He's the best in the city.
The Weeping Cut-Leaf Red Japanese Maple is well taken care of!
how tiny is your property? From the various photos, in comparison to what I'm trying to work with, it reads huge! I have neighbors homes very close too, but alas, I can see them all too clearly.
My lot is 'pie' shaped, fat wedge at the street tapering, literally, to a 'point' in back.
Less than 1/4 acre, 8500 square feet including house, drive, patio.
Built my house, 1986, in a cluster home subdivision. You know, starter home, here 5 years then leave for bigger/better.
Ha. I Love This House & Garden !!
Hi Tara,
What beautiful hydrangeas! You're right it looks like a little cottswald garden.
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