See the landscape design secret?
Back your car down the drive, park it on the road, get out, walk up the gravel drive, slowly, and thru the yew hedge.
Notice the contrast of meadow to clipped lawn? Formal to informal?
Ha, the secret tool of the worlds most famous landscapes is

Did you think this gravel drive & meadow were 'natural'? Ha, not one inch of this drive or meadow were unconsidered. TOTALLY DESIGNED.
TARA TURF was born in this meadow over a decade ago. And the epiphany of what the best landscapes create, FORMAL GARDEN ROOMS NEXT TO INFORMAL GARDEN ROOMS.
Yes, contrast flower shapes/colors, tree forms, foliage colors/shapes & etc. Knowing, contrasting FORMAL/INFORMAL is the most important.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Lucky me, taking the pics at Great Dixter while Christopher Lloyd was alive. Note: In another area of Great Dixter meadow is designed up to, and touching, the house. Ha, remember the Tara Rule of Just Let It Touch?
Oh, meadows have been sustainable-organic-eco-low maintenance-beautiful since before language was invented.
What great information on design. The best designs do not give evidence that 'man' created them. Great post!
Great post. Thanks.
I think of it as "Garden Growing Wild" know what I mean?
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