Crabcakes & conversation. Hours of connection.

* Edge gravel path, with stone or brick, closer to the house.
* Edge gravel path with fallen tree limbs farther away from the house.
* Transitioning edging materials creates another layer of interest.
* Paint Colors for deck furniture: Behr Ultra Exterior Satin [primer & paint all in one] at Home Depot. Antique Red UL 170, Native Soil 179-22 [taupe].
* Powder Coating of wrought iron table/chairs: http://www.millerpowdercoating.com/. 4251 Wayside Ct. #B, Lilburn, GA, 770-931-1505.
* Rug for deck, not shown, http://www.rugsusa.com/
* Shot pea gravel: Atlanta Landscape Materials, 5996 Buford Hwy., Doraville, GA 770-936-8462
* Lantern, not shown, http://www.nadeauimports.com/, Buckhead Store.
* PATH GIRL had the shot pea gravel delivered to her driveway. It took her several weeks to shovel from the pile to a wheelbarrow then dump into place. A neighbor, seeing her shovel, offered help. With a smile of appreciation she happily declined. Enjoying her gardening too much to let others in on her fun. Remember PATH GIRL, born 1935, is DIY.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Wonderful & informative post!! Few realize that a garden is made up of many elements. Not least of which is the treatment of 'PATHS'
Need to pass this on to the Veg. gardener at my address!!
Sandra Jonas
Perfect timing...because alas...I am a path girl too. We have used crushed shell...then pea gravel. It is time for another go...but don't know what to use or edge with this time.
Path Girl is my hero. Thank you for posting some of the resources too! Very helpful.
Terrific post. Thank you. And, I am in love with the door on the potting shed.
Great post - - - I'm bookmarking it for future reference.
I'm amazed (& more than a little impressed) you knew, right off the bat, what color the patio furniture should be!
I'll be moving into the woods & the little farmhouse has some fairly nice windows. Our goal is to have the views outside as the focal point from inside. Do you have any suggestions about interior wall colors?
Hubby & I notice that museum walls are usually gray & have been considering a greenish gray. We want the view to be drawn to the outside . . .
BTW - I've ordered 3 of your books from Amazon! Can't wait for my Christmas gifts to myself arrive!
VPS, in addition to drawing the view outside you want each of your windows to be viewed as artwork on the wall.
Yes, green-gray to a taupy-green-gray.
Most of the gardens in my books are clients who did a lot of the work themselves over time and contracting a bit of it.
XO Tara
Tara, Here's hoping that I can learn to do the windows just as you say! Can't wait to get your books! I'm sure I'll be greatly inspired!
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