Saturday, October 24, 2009


HGTV contacted me last Monday. They are scouting, across America, talent for new shows. I interviewed on tape, yesterday. They asked, Bring what's exciting you in the landscape.
Having hosted a CBS TV show & author of several books I thought that's how HGTV found me. NOT.
Good news Blogland, you are being heard-seen-read. HGTV knew none of my past. They found me thru this little blog.
Exciting. HGTV carefully choosing new show concepts. Of course, more exciting if they CHOOSE ME!
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


Southern Aspirations said...

So exciting! Best of luck! That would be fabulous if you are chosen!

Carolyn said...

I am happy for you-hope you are chosen!


Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Wonderful! Well deserved, too! The blogworld is an amazing and mysterious place!

I have a mag coming next month to take some pix...go figure!!

cotedetexas said...

omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
I love that they found you through your blog - that's exciting for everyone. Good luck! wow.

Landscape Designer said...

So excited for you! Keeping my fingers crossed!!
Sandra Jonas

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I am smiling!! Well done you!

Machi said...

How wonderful! Shipman will be over the moon. Love you!

peggydhl said...

How wonderful!!! You would be GREAT on HGTV!!!!

Krystol O'Rourke said...

I am so excited. HGTV really needs some good landscape and gardening content. I haven't seen much that I like in the past few years. You would be great!

Devon said...

But of course it makes sense! You have a unique, kind, fun and inspirational voice. I am absolutely (beyond) delighted for you and am crossing my fingers. Your hire would bring me back to HGTV, without question.