When it comes to focal points, just-let-it-touch. What bench, statue, urn, birdbath isn't improved with a hint of foliage just touching?

Notes: Square or rectangular patio tables are the best, round tables aren't as flexible in usage. A pair of square tables can be used separately or pulled together for larger gatherings. If you find an old iron patio table, as above, don't worry that it doesn't have chairs. Find comfortable chairs or benches of wood or metal and paint them all the same color. The French have been doing this for centuries. Place an arbor over your table with a ceiling fan to keep mosquitoes away. ENJOY.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
You are my gardening guru. Great point on the table shape. We have two round tables and it's been frustrating. I never thought of the square vs. round shape before and it makes absolutely perfect sense. Thanks, as always, for your great insight!!
Maybe the Hydrangeas have an unseen coach telling them where to grow. I often see results of an unseen hand in my own garden.
Tara, I am SO THRILLED to pieces to find your blog! I took Southern Gardening from you at the Botanical Garden a few years ago and you have instilled in me a deep passion for gardening. Thank you so much! I will be visiting here often!
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