Friday, July 28, 2017

Pure Science: Introverts vs Extroverts

"I'm not like you, watching chickens, reading books, being in the garden, lunching with your girlfriends in the conservatory is not living.", Beloved said with great 'tone'.
Classic collision of introvert & extrovert.
Beloved's extroversion an education.  Retreating to the garden, books, chickens, my tribe, for replenishment.  At a minimum Beloved 'sees' introversion in action, excepting, no depth of field to his lense.  

Pic, above, here.

There is a science to extroversion & introversion.   For decades I've known, Gardening/gardens is/are my drug.  Recently, validation to my drug theory.  It's fact.

It’s all about the dopamine, which makes extroverts want to seek additional stimuli

Extroverts’ need to seek additional stimuli, which results in constantly seeking new hobbies and interests and cherishing the unfamiliar, may be the result of their genetic code which controls the dopamine function that forces them to look for new experiences.4 Moreover, extroverts are more likely to seek out situations that will provide them with reward because of their dopamine system.5
On the other hand, introverts prefer acetylcholine, which is another neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine also creates that pleasant feeling, but it’s related to introspection. For that reason, introverts don’t need to seek external stimuli to feel good. That is why extroverts might come off as easily distracted by new things, while introverts seem more focused."  Lifehack, here.

 farm pictures, daily fan favorite
Pic, above, here.


How are introverts Different From Extroverts?

While Carl Jung was the first to coin the terms “introvert” and “extrovert” and provided theory explaining the main differences between the two types, later research showed the differences in the brain structure of the two types of personalities as well as the different ways in which they react to stimulations and recharge their energy.
Namely, extroverts possess lower levels of arousal, therefore they are always on the lookout for new exciting adventure, while introverts, possessing higher levels of arousal, will look for activities and situations that require lower levels of arousal. 5
Moreover, introverts would always choose a more relaxing activity for recharging, while extroverts are more likely to choose rewards through excitement. This has to do with the fact that brain of extroverts feeds on dopamine, making them feel pleasant only through challenges and excitement, while introverts’ brain prefers acetylcholine, which creates pleasure through introspection and more self-focused activities."  Lifehack, here.

Ideal jobs for thinking introvert

  • Aerospace engineer
  • Industrial engineer
  • Computer programmer
  • Web developer
  • Video game artist
  • Fashion designer
  • Interior designer
  • Graphic designer
Lifehack, here.          
Rather prophetic list, above, I have an engineering degree, and horticulture.  Take the link, above, there are more lists for different types of introverts. 


If you are in love with an introvert

Introverts are great partners as they can provide genuine love, support and thoughtfulness to their love interest. Since they don’t act before they think things through, their partners can be assured that they are the only center of their attention. If you are in love with an introvert, make sure to respect their need for private time, don’t interrupt them, and don’t force them to make quick decisions about your lives together.   "  Lifehack, here
Priceless, above.  Ask me to make a life decision?  I'll get back with you.  The extrovert thinks I'm crazy not to answer within the conversation, I know he's crazy thinking I should answer that fast.  Now, I have another answer, "Go get your dopamine somewhere else."     
Pic, above, here.

 the us wants you to have chickens
Pic, above, here.

 The Duchess of Devonshire with her hens
Pic, above, here.

 Love intimidates people...
Pic, above, here.

 Ballet Beautiful | ZsaZsa Bellagio - Like No Other
Pic, above, here.

Pic, here.

"Some peopple feel the rain others just get wet." ~ Bob Marley
Pic, above, here.

 I the case of not being able to go mainstream in medical care this is me. Funny thing the old and eastern ways are curing nature intended my "machine to be cared for".
Pic, above, here.

Now I know, quotes above & similar types are  a division, in the macro, between those needing dopamine or acetylcholine.
Cannot imagine needing dopamine so badly.  On the outside looking in, pure curse.  Hilarious, I'm sure living the life of an introvert would be a curse to the extrovert.
More, finding the Lifehack article made me realize, majority of my clients are introverts.  Some, more than me.  I find them enriching.  Of course.
Garden & Be Well,  XO T

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Serendipitous Focal Point

Approach, below.

Weeks of endless Summer - Ben Pentreath Inspiration

Obvious, below, pair of urns as back drop to the bench.  But wait. there is more.

Weeks of endless Summer - Ben Pentreath Inspiration

Look what happens, below, with one of those urns from above.

Weeks of endless Summer - Ben Pentreath Inspiration

When I'm designing gardens on site or in my office, this 'game' always happens.  Designing historically, and receiving serendipities, above.
Makes me laugh out loud, every time.
The serendipities are sign posts, "You're doing this right."  More, knowing my Muse is in league with the same Providence as, above.  They're all having a party while I'm working.  This 'work' my party ticket.
Work a poor word for my livelihood.  One meaning includes, "...the absence of pleasure."
Anyway.  All of the above merely letting you know when you get it right, you'll receive party tickets too.  Along with a gorgeous garden.
Garden & Be Well,  XO T
Pics from Ben Pentreath.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Double Axis: Focal Point Technique

Double Axis.  A focal point must have a focal point at both ends of its axis..
Amazing, the things they do not teach you in school.
Focal point bench, below.  Sitting in the bench, you must create a focal point in the opposite direction, bottom.

Weeks of endless Summer - Ben Pentreath Inspiration

Weeks of endless Summer - Ben Pentreath Inspiration
Got it?
Do it.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
Pics from Ben Bentreath.
And most think Garden Design is some sort of voodoo, its practitioners thinking up la-ti-da maybe this/maybe that a bit here a bit there.  Nope.  Garden Design is pure templated known geography zero recreating the wheel its mechanics laid bare for all the world to see.  See.  Therein lies the problem.  Pure seeing.  My best epiphanies about garden design came years after looking, not seeing.  The map is not the territory.  Gardens that do not satisfy are exactly drawn from the known map.  Beautiful gardens expose the territory here, and other realms.  Want that?  Get you some.  Bemused I am about how befuddled I was before seeing the territory, trying to follow the map.
Best compliment ever, recently.  A Canadian client said I was PECULIAR.  Ok, thank you.  In truth it's peculiar to me, trying to live by the map.  Been there done that.  Once you hop off the map, into the territory of your life, there is no going back.  Why would you?  Got it?  Do it.  Want it?  Get it.
Warning.  Not for the faint of heart.  Leaving the map, for your territory, is exactly where the ancient mapmakers, before knowing the world was round, foretold at map's edge, Beyond this point there be dragons.  Remember the dragon, breathing fire at all who would take his virgin girl.  Every scale of his hide a 'Thou shalt not'.  That fact is living according to your life's map.  Killing that dragon is living in your life's territory.  Got that?
From, In the Field,

"The privelege of a lifetime is being who you are.

What you have to do, you do with play.

Life is without meaning.
You bring the meaning to it.

The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be.

Being alive is the meaning.

The warrior's approach is to say "yes" to life: "yea" to it all.

Participate joyfully is the sorrows of the world.

We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.

When we talk about settling the world's problems, we're barking up the wrong tree.
The world is perfect. It's a mess. It has always been a mess.
We are not going to change it.
Our job is to straighten out our own lives.

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.
If we fix on the old, we get stuck. When we hang onto any form, we are in danger of putrefaction.
Hell is life drying up.
The Hoarder, the one in us that wants to keep, to hold on, must be killed.
If we are hanging onto the form now, we're not going to have the form next.
You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.

Destruction before creation.

Out of perfection nothing can be made.
Every process involves breaking something up.
The earth must be broken to bring forth life.
If the seed does not die, there is no plant.
Bread results from the death of wheat.

Life lives on lives.

Our own life lives on the acts of other people.
If you are lifeworthy, you can take it.
What we are really living for is the experience of life, both the pain and the pleasure.
The world is a match for us.
We are a match for the world.

Opportunities to find deeper powers with ourselves come when life seems most challenging.
Negativism to the pain and ferocity of life is negativism to life.
We are not there until we can say "yea" to it all.
To take a righteous attitude toward anything is to denigrate it.
Awe is what moves us forward.
As you proceed through life, following your own path, birds will shit on you. Don't bother to brush it off.
Getting a comedic view of your situation gives you spiritual distance. Having a sense of humor saves you.

Eternity is a dimension of here and now.
The divine lives within you.

Live from your own center.

Your real duty is to go away from the community to find your bliss.

The society is the enemy when it imposes its structures on the individual.
On the dragon there are many scales. Every one of them says "Thou Shalt."
Kill the dragon "Thou Shalt."
When one has killed that dragon, one has become The Child.

Breaking out is following your bliss pattern, quitting the old place, starting your hero journey, following your bliss.
You throw off yesterday as the snake sheds its skin.

Follow your bliss.
The heroic life is living the individual adventure.

There is no security in following the call to adventure.

Nothing is exciting if you know what the outcome is going to be.

To refuse the call means stagnation.
What you don't experience positively you will experience negatively.

You enter the forest at the darkest point, where there is no path.
Where there is a way or path, it is someone else's path. You are not on your own path.
If you follow someone else's way, you are not going to realize your potential.
(note: this is what the Holy Grail is all about... not some cup --dv)
The goal of the hero trip down to the jewel point is to find those levels in the psyche that open, open, open, and finally open to the mystery of your Self being Buddha consciousness or the Christ.
That's the journey.

It is all about finding that still point in your mind where commitment drops away.

It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life.
Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.
THe very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for. The damned thing in the cave that was so dreaded has become the center.

You find the jewel, and it draws you off.

In loving the spiritual, you cannot despise the earthly.

The purpose of the journey is compassion.
When you have come past the pairs of opposites, you have reached compassion.

The goal is to bring the jewel back to the world, to join the two things together.

The seperateness apparent in the world is secondary.
Beyond that world of opposites is an unseen, but experienced, unity and identity in us all.

Today, the planet is the only proper "in group."

You must return with the bliss and integrate it.

THe return is seeing the radiance everywhere.

Sri Ramakrishna said: "Do not seek illumination unless you seek it as a man whose hair is on fire seeks a pond."

If you want the whole thing, the gods will give it to you. But you must be ready for it.

The goal is to live with godlike composure on the full rush of energy, like Dionysus riding the leopard, without being torn to pieces.

A bit of advice given to a young Native American at the time of his initiation:
"As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm.
It is not as wide as you think."

Ep. 4: Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth — ‘Sacrifice and Bliss’

In the fourth episode of The Power of Myth, Bill Moyers and mythologist Joseph Campbell discuss the role of sacrifice in myth — including a mother’s sacrifice for her child — and the need for all of us to find our sacred places in the midst of today’s fast-paced world. In this clip, the two discuss where heroism can be witnessed in modern society.
Watch, or read the transcript, here.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Landscape Design: Squares & Rectangles

Plain, below, functional, cubist, calm.  Oddly, playful.  More than a style for gardeners, a style for anyone not 'wanting' a garden too, content with the foundation plantings/lawn/annuals miasma.

Concrete stepping stones in a contemporary setting                                                                                                                                                                                 More
Pic, above, here .

0b3fe010b6c3f5f8c9412714e234b5e8.jpg (736×736)
Pic, above, here.
Gardens of squares & rectangles. Myriad materials, stone, gravel, lawn, bushes, trees, decks.
Peter Fudge created the garden at top, at their website, enjoy clicking thru the playfulness of squares & rectangles.
Fudge owns Squares & Rectangles.  So much so, he gives it away to all.  Sign of a master.  Copy, first rule of Historic Garden Design.  No confidence for that?  No worries.  Copy Fudge exactly, each site is unique upon this Earth, creating each garden one-of-a-kind.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
Miasma.  Nice day being able to write miasma, I must be sure to use it in conversation today too.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Forest Bathing

Nice sentiment, below, but too small.
Long before cell phones, I knew what gardens provide.  More, I think tapping into my garden is what addicts hope to gain from drugs, alcohol etc.
Going into my garden I forget what time it is, what day, hunger does not exist, and cuts/bruises are only noticed showering, later, when garden time is over.  Obviously, more than 'gardening' is going on.  Scientific studies are showing biological changes to our bodies taking place in gardens/Nature.  More than accounted for in placebo studies.
Experiencing joy when time/hunger/Earth no longer exist is an experience of eternity here & now, says Joseph Campbell.  Do you experience this too, in your garden?  Wendell Berry takes these thought further.

It's not as easy as it looks lmao
Pic, above, here.

More than science proving Nature bathing changes us, I've noticed another strong change.

May your time in Nature lead you to yourself.. -Shikoba- WILD WOMAN SISTERHOOD™
Pic, above, here.

Pace.  The pace of Nature & gardening are the pace of our bodies in relation to Earth.

 Beneficial effects of phytoncides (forest vits) can last up to 30days. Having a habit of once-a-month forest bathing is sufficient for anyone seeking to gain the advantages of the healing effect of phytoncides. They have been found to significantly increased NK cell activity and the intracellular levels of anti-cancer proteins. This amazing sweater is from #foresttherapy #shinrinyoku #forestbathing
Pic, above, here.

I do my best thinking, while in pace with Earth.  More, in that body/Earth pace, are the riches of eternity now.

 Live with more health, happiness, meaning and mojo.
Pic, above, here.

10 ways #trees benefit our communities and improve our quality of life. | Via Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, repinned via @Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Pic, above, here.


More than myself, my home, above/below, must be bathed in Nature.

TARA DILLARD: Focal Points in the Landscape:

My home, above/below.


The country garden hydrangea gate.    Renae Moore Designs: Gardening with Tara Dillard:

When I met Penny McHenry, she invited me to lunch the next day.  Driving into her property, above, my car was bathed, in hydrangea blossoms, both sides.
Decadent blossoms, weighted & caressing & touching my car from front to back fender.
More than meeting a new friend for lunch, already a gardener, I knew I had to have that.  Nature so abundant, cars, mine specifically, had to be bathed in blossoms.  Time passed, and without effort, or seemingly without effort, this desire became reality.
If you've read this far, what is it you're wanting?
Doing it?
Hope so.  If not, why not?
Garden & Be Well,   XO T

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What Simplicity Provides

Extreme simplicity in a garden creates the best focal point.
jardim natural
Pic, above, here.
Myriad layers of simplicity allow for the depths & heights of your life.
Oh my the well fought battle, above, for simplicity.
"A woman with a closet full of clothes, and nothing to wear, doesn't know herself very well." , Bill Blass.
What you choose to have, keep, allow in your garden, says so much about you.  Whether you think so, or not.
Garden & Be Well,  XOT

Monday, July 17, 2017

Binding House to Site: Focal Point & Enfilade

A current client, 14 acres, and well tucked into their property, built a new home to look like a historic home.  At the first visit I fell for the ruse, thought they had renovated an antebellum home.
The lane leading to their gravel drive is a single lane gravel road along an active train track.  Open & wooded their land has all the right drama including level and a few slopes.
First salvo with their property is the approach at the train track, flow for cars & feet from entry to house, barn, dependencies, orchard & potager.  More importantly, currently past age 50, no detailing care with maintenance, ever.  Not a consideration & won't be tolerated.  Staring down age 80 makes simplicity, simple.
All of the above is 'easy'.  They're all necessities, and historic templates are well trod as guides.  What bothered me most is the house not being tied to its site, well sited, it has no strings attached to the garden.
Walking the grounds about the house, with their pack of older rescue dogs, her specialty, the tie that binds house to garden appeared.  Better, it's within an enfilade, travels past the entrance court, past the entry lane, up a slope, lands upon a pasture flat, and continues up another slope finally ending at the orchard+meadow.  What are the chances of this great gift?  Woo-woo.
The focal point within this perfect enfilade, at present, has a single florescent pink flag staking it.  More, it can be a stone slab on a tree trunk table, a statue or urn on plinth or etc.  Whatever, the focal point must be within a dias, level with the ground, of stone or brick.  Hope you already know why.  Answer is above.  
The tractor must be able to easily whiz around the focal point.  At speed.

Petersham nurseries another love of mine, garden fresh food, mixed with antique finds and gardening delights
Pic, above, here.

Pic, above, here.
She will love getting the focal point right.  He will love whatever she does, eventually.
He will be the one installing dias and topper.  You know there will be some grumbling.  Her at the front door of their home, one terminus of the enfilade, yards away, cell phone in hand, "Move it 6 inches to the right, get it level."
His grumbling will include me, sad for the day he ever heard my name.  This phase doesn't last long.  Glad I know that ahead of time.  Men are predictable.  It takes that first party, after the garden is installed and suddenly they knew how to do their garden from the beginning.  Fine with me, I get to be the Mary Poppins Gardener, arriving when the wind changes, leaving as the wind changes again.  In my carpet bag, knowing where to site focal points & enfilades, hedges, etc....
Garden & Be Well,   XO T

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Sighting A Hedge for Screening

Hiding a view, the closer your plantings the faster the hiding.
Neighbor's house, below, is quite close already, the design/placement of planting close, an automatic.
If the neighbor's house were 100' away, still site the evergreen hedge where it is.  Not near the property line.  Especially if you want to have early morning coffee on the terrace, in your gown.

Habitually Chic® » Sag Harbor Secret Revealed
Pic, above, here.
The closer the hedge, the faster the screening.
Put that in your memory bank.
You may not need it, but a friend might.
Garden & Be Well,   XOT
Placing large evergreens for screening recently, 'husband' wanted them in a certain spot, near the property line.  I mentioned a spot closer to his home, providing much faster privacy for his screened/roofed porch. Which was his focus.  He paused long, "That's where my wife said to put them."  Sweet moment, she loved it when I told her.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Middle Class Cost Saving

I did something recently that clients do when we're installing their garden.  Used my middle class skill set to 'save money'.  Oh yes, gonna save money.  Most jobs, clients increase the scope of the project within 24 hours of starting.  What?  Their money tree was bare when they signed the contract, no more funds.  Poof voila, the phone call, "Let's add the entire backyard, and that middle section of the front yard we took out, and go ahead and put in irrigation.  Also didn't mention, around the garage, let's do that too."  Seriously.  From no more $$$ to all that?
Within working our jobs we'll be off site getting materials or lunch, return and the client has taken a man, or 2, off bid items, for just a little clean-up here/there.  We cannot absorb those costs anymore, hourly pay, social security, workman's comp, vacation, sick, bonus.  Sonny/Cher said it best, The beat goes on.
Enlarging the project, after starting, pricing for plants won't be the same, it's not the same for us, plus the extra overhead of delivery.  But let's get back to my personal middle class 'cost saving'.  It happened here, below, in our dining room.

Image may contain: indoor

Our home built ca. 1900, with a central hall, 9' wide x 50' long, 3 rooms off each side.  Originally our home was meant to have doors shut during certain seasons.  Four fireplaces, central hall door shut, warm rooms, cold hall.  So.  In the dining room, above/below, why not close the doors?  I knew it would save greatly with the HVAC bill.  Brilliant.  Yes?

Image may contain: indoor

A hint of the central hall, below.  Do notice, all the doors are open.  This story is after the disaster of middle class thinking.

Image may contain: indoor

Image may contain: indoor

Off topic, above, Mr. Salmon Tureen.  He reminded me of a salmon spawning river, inches wide, deep into an Irish estate I studied during a historic garden design trip.  Had a dinner party, and a guest that lives nearby asked me if I bought it at XYZ shop.  Yes.  She had her eye on it for months.  No worries, she can borrow him.

Image may contain: people sitting and indoor

More off topic, because it's easier than the middle class cost saving blunder.  Blue/white china is to the left of the fireplace, colored china is in the walk-in closet to the right of the fireplace, built-in shelves, obviously meant for survival with rings here/there on the shelves from glass canning jars thru the decades.
Symmetry of clients using their middle class thinking to save money, and mine, is rather a pay back, every terrible pun intended.
Here is my best middle class cost saving brain.  I shut the doors to the dining room, and guest bedroom, and their air-conditioning registers/intakes.  Yep.  The rooms are large, with 11' ceilings.  Why not shut them?
Several weeks later, the air-conditioner quit.  Late Friday afternoon, of course.  Do you know how hot/humid it is in rural middle Georgia in summer?  A client owns an HVAC company.  Pitifully called, described what the a/c did before dying.  He mentioned it may be 'frozen' and I should turn off the a/c, and turn on only the fan.  Then, told him of my middle class cost saving, shutting doors/vents. Quite polite, he said it probably played a role.
Blessedly, doing as told, which I can do in a pinch, the a/c worked again.
Their man arrived Monday to check the unit.  Aside from ancient HVAC, he had a picture from his work on the unit under the house.  Within the unit, insulation had pulled away, covering the cooling coils.  Go me !!!  Middle class cost saving.  
Decades of clients & their middle class cost saving thoughts.  Mine, a rather nice bookend.  Oh my, where my best thinking got me.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
Have not painted the dining room yet.  We can't decide on a color.  Neither of us with a strong emotion for any color to even suggest.  Red until inspiration arrives.  Will replace the chandelier with one that is historically correct.  It's on the list.  The List !

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tiny Garden Respite

Probably slapdash, below.  Yet fine tuned, inherent.  Barrel & half barrel collateral from their Vins & Liqueurs.  Even the colors echo from building to barrel.  Sited in equal asymmetry as the architecture, and function.  Finally, the trinity of pots/plants on the table, each a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, yet matched disparateness.

La rue des Ursins à l'angle de la rue des Chantres, Paris (IVe arr.), France, juillet 1914, (Autochrome, 9 x 12 cm), Stéphane Passet, Département des Hauts-de-Seine, musée Albert-Kahn, Archives de la Planète, A 13 657
Pic, above, here.

Adore how little the 'garden', how great its statement.
Furniture in-the-garden maximized to function, yet warm invitation to comfort & hospitality.  Table/chairs echoed just inside the door, repetition.  And those fonts.
A sliver between building and road, yet a respite from those worlds.
An odd affliction, adoring  little-giving-much.  Especially potent when it's woven into a livelihood.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Before-After: Grave Site Garden Design

Hardest job I've done.  He hired me, the 1st time, about 4 years ago.  Now, he's under the black frames, below.
He & his wife became the fun couple on Facebook.  Always together, mostly in the Caribbean during winter, home a few days, perhaps a quick trip to France, perhaps etc.  The clothes, the food, the conveyances, myriad events, their precious dogs, smiles, fun times, fun bearing witness.  Glad someone is 'living the life'.  More to it of course.  His hard work at a company he built over decades, and his earnest stewardship of more than 200 employees.  His funeral at the largest church in town, standing room only.  Graveside service, below, filled the cemetery curbs with cars.
For too many weeks after the funeral, she's had to come to this barren patch.  Alone.  Nothing.
She asked for their cemetery plot, 6 spaces total, rectangular shaped, to look like their backyard.  I designed/installed it, but hadn't been back recently.  Made an appointment to see her, at home.  Terrible appointment, both crying throughout.  Thru the tears, I got what I needed to exactly design their grave site.  On the upper deck, from their kitchen/family room, she said, "This was his favorite spot in the world to be."  In addition, "We love the Caribbean and want it to look like that."      

Image may contain: sky, cloud, grass, tree, outdoor and nature

Leaving a lot of the story out, he was murdered, by his grown son.  She was home when it happened.

Image may contain: one or more people, grass, sky, outdoor and nature

More than wanting to design their cemetery plot to remind her of their backyard & Caribbean, I know she has the murder trial ahead of her.  His grave site must step up to the plate & nurture her during darker days to come.
Designing their backyard, they had asked for a Caribbean theme too.  And we put in a pool.  A portion, from the outdoor shower to the pool, thru a patch of lawn, has a checkerboard square.  Travertine surrounds the pool.  In addition I spent several sessions vision questing Caribbean cemeteries online.  She wanted the same travertine at the grave.

Image may contain: outdoor

Our mason poured concrete, above, for the travertine.  I knew the grave site must have her palm trees, and his beloved red Japanese maples.  Turf for the checkerboard, and the small amount of groundcover, Big Blue liriope.  His eyes were the color of the Caribbean, stunning.  Sourcing  plants, below.

Image may contain: 1 person, tree, sky, car and outdoor

Studying Caribbean cemeteries it's obvious the pair of colors to use, green-white.

Image may contain: plant, tree, grass, outdoor and nature

Ok, next, the seriousness of designing a garden for a nationally owned cemetery.  Layers of rules, and constraints.  I was given the name/number for the manager of the cemetery.   In addition, I wanted the garden design for the grave site to be malleable to input from her sister & brother.  No children, she's being supported emotionally by her siblings.
A few days after giving her the garden design, she called & said it was good.  That's when I called and introduced myself to the manager of the cemetery.  Told him the constraints she had given me for the garden design, and more importantly, I was a team player.  Whatever the cemetery needed, I could abide by.  Happy to make changes.
Sent the plan to him as an attachment, and a couple of weeks later, received approval.  Total approval.   Amazing, the plan went to their national headquarters, and passed, zero changes.
During construction, met with the cemetery manager on site.  Graveyards are not what they used to be.  The section we worked in has irrigation for each grave.  You want, you pay.
More, he said the room with casket display was being remodeled as a party room, with space for caterers.  And, more people are choosing cremation, causing his industry to change.

Image may contain: sky, tree, plant, grass, shoes, outdoor and nature

Cemetery allowed us to make a cut into the curb for entry, above.  Pair of red Japanese maples will be pruned into a bower arching over the entry.  Boxwood edging will be pruned to knee height.  A bench is on order, and soon, annuals will be planted at the entry.
She will augment cemetery maintenance for the grave site with private.
As hard as this grave site remains for her, cannot imagine the days she has yet to unfold, in the court room with his murderer.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T

Monday, July 10, 2017

In Lieu of Green Meatballs

Friends in a 30+ year old home, with its original green meatball foundation planting mentioned taking them all out.  Wildly, I mentioned, Perhaps Not.  Especially since there are almost 40 green meatballs.  Plenty of scope for the imagination.
Have fun with pruning for a couple of years, below.

Het zoetste buitenleven - Groen van bij ons - Bloemen en planten
Pic, above, here.

 strakke voortuin / re-pinned on
Pic, above, here.
Oh my the challenge of those straight lines, and foliage from top to ground.  Bravo.
Have no idea how these evergreens, above, are pruned.  I know I would have to pull several strings as guides, getting perfect perpendiculars and right angles.
Anyway.  If your foundation plantings have become a morass of cliched green meatballs, perhaps a few perfectly formed green meatloafs?  For a change, and whimsy.
Garden & Be Well,   XOT