Nice sentiment, below, but too small.
Long before cell phones, I knew what gardens provide. More, I think tapping into my garden is what addicts hope to gain from drugs, alcohol etc.
Going into my garden I forget what time it is, what day, hunger does not exist, and cuts/bruises are only noticed showering, later, when garden time is over. Obviously, more than 'gardening' is going on. Scientific studies are showing biological changes to our bodies taking place in gardens/Nature. More than accounted for in placebo studies.
Experiencing joy when time/hunger/Earth no longer exist is an experience of eternity here & now, says Joseph Campbell. Do you experience this too, in your garden? Wendell Berry takes these thought further.
Pic, above, here.
More than science proving Nature bathing changes us, I've noticed another strong change.
Pic, above, here.
Pace. The pace of Nature & gardening are the pace of our bodies in relation to Earth.
Pic, above, here.
I do my best thinking, while in pace with Earth. More, in that body/Earth pace, are the riches of eternity now.
Pic, above, here.
Pic, above, here.
More than myself, my home, above/below, must be bathed in Nature.
My home, above/below.
When I met Penny McHenry, she invited me to lunch the next day. Driving into her property, above, my car was bathed, in hydrangea blossoms, both sides.
Decadent blossoms, weighted & caressing & touching my car from front to back fender.
More than meeting a new friend for lunch, already a gardener, I knew I had to have that. Nature so abundant, cars, mine specifically, had to be bathed in blossoms. Time passed, and without effort, or seemingly without effort, this desire became reality.
If you've read this far, what is it you're wanting?
Doing it?
Hope so. If not, why not?
Garden & Be Well, XO T
Doing it......and reading this divine blog post......doing MORE!!! I want those hydrangeas enveloping the cars!!
Had a major tree triumph to day! You would be proud!
Keep it up!
I very much enjoyed reading this post. Besides encouraging me to participate in my outdoor area (heat and bugs are a major discouragement), the post itself was calming and joyful. Thank you!
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