"It's time," said Mr. Hustler," to remodel Central Park; At present it's as out-of-date as Noah and his ark." R. H. Titherington in "Life," July 28, 1910.
On March 4, 1891, "Garden & Forest," was quoted as support of the 1910 demand to remodel. It goes,
"A park such as is now under consideration should be primarily and essentially a rural retreat, . . . its highest purpose is not to furnish instruction, nor pure air, nor a place for exercise on foot or on horseback, but to furnish that relief and repose of mind which natural scenery brings to those who are wearied by city sights and sounds. . . . Of course, a park designed and constructed with such a leading motive will not fail to furnish pure air and a field for exercise and opportunity for study; but,
if it is designed primarily with subordinate uses, its highest purpose will not be reached."
Landscape Architecture, A Quarterly Magazine, October, 1910.
Pics from
Trees and Shrubs of Central Park
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara