Showing posts with label Cute Kills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cute Kills. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2009


A century old, at least, I copied it in my landscape. Outside. (Thank you Pigtown*Design, it was your idea.) And I don't like to collect things nor stray from simplicity. So why am I enjoying this blue/white Chaos Display?
Maybe I'll keep it for a month or years. Doesn't matter, I'm enjoying it now. 3 RULES FOR LANDSCAPES:

No matter how many times it's been done before, if it's beautiful elsewhere it will be beautiful & unique in your landscape.

What is the saying? Non-fiction is a true story, myths are stories that happen over & over & over.... Landscapes are myths, at least mine is to me. How else to explain the grace my garden exudes? Using the 3 rules: copy, simplicity, repetition will give you mythical grace in your landscape.

Setting up the blue/white CHAOS DISPLAY, below.

Intentionally design your landscape to create impromptu Still Life, above.

Went to my favorite junk shop to complete the blue/white collection last Friday. I would tell you where but the friend who shared the shop with me did so with a demand, Do not tell anyone about this shop.

Pic, above, is not styled. The box was awkwardly heavy & I set it on my patio table to begin arranging the Chaos Display. Magazine shoots are fine but I delight, especially, in good pics not styled. The impromptu of life creating still life.


Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Chaos of blue/white makes me smile. Seen at PIGTOWN DESIGN it was a blog header for AN AESTHETES LAMENT. Where does inspiration come from? I saw museum quality blue/white in a similar chaos display at Chatsworth in England. Oh my, is 'Chaos Display' a new design trick? Without inspiration.
It may take a few weeks but I'm field gathering blue/white china now. I'll place it on this patio table. It was originally a sofa table. My frogs will be on the move. Don't know where yet. But it will be fabulous, where ever they land.
Is any of this important? YES. Why? It makes me smile.
What makes you smile in your garden?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

Monday, March 23, 2009


Found online this pic has seared itself into my brain. Seared with further design. In my mind's eye there are 5 claw foot tubs under the tree. A small table, with dinner-wine, at each tub. I'm in one of the tubs & girlfriends are in the rest.
We are talking-sharing-savoring: the tree, the art, night, fireflies, fragrance, sound of bats, each other, floating, comfort, nurturing, laughter, ideas, joys, lessening of sorrows, epiphanies, being silly, gathering strength, being tender, knowing we will leave the evening enriched-changed-more completely ourselves.
Top pic anonymous at the moment. Anyone know? Send it to me.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

Friday, February 20, 2009


PSO, my term for, plant shape only, works initially. Growth displays poor planting choices. The landscape, below, was professionally designed-installed for the former owner. Royal Doulton & Exotic Bell, the new owners, must fix numerous PSO's before creating a landscape reflecting their multi-continent awareness of historic landscapes. The tree, above, if allowed to stay will engulf half the facade of the home. Where to move it?
Royal Doulton's office, above, views the front landscape. An axis to place the tree. PSO becomes focal point. I want him to enjoy the tree he is saving and have its placement be perfection.

Royal Doulton didn't know the tree he saved is a great haven for birds. Ambient sounds for his workday.

Near the frontdoor, above, a window. Peek inside, a circular stairwell. Look closely, the paint is a bit spattered. Good landscape design, Tara's way, includes everything you can see inside a house from the landscape. Touch up the spatters.
Above, stone, brick, copper, cut limestone, a lovely frontdoor, a real gas lantern, and generous size. A beautiful entry. Don't diminish beauty with something cute. The 'welcome' sign is not welcome here.
The house already says 'welcome' in tones of elegance & intelligence.
Styling a landscape often involves removing 'cute' gifts from a loved one. Awkward if it was from an in-law, step-child or etc... If so, keep it for about a year and then it must suddenly 'break & disappear'. Don't mention the trip to the thrift store. If you really can't get rid of a horrible landscape 'gift' plant an evergreen vine on it.
Garden & Be Well, XO T


Normally CUTE KILLS in a landscape. When I began designing landscapes the rules were restrictive to my novice mind. CUTE KILLS is a Tara Rule. What is cute? A flag with a pink bunny rabbit at Easter perhaps? Cute steals the eye & mind. Landscapes of intelligence & wit expand the eye & mind. How can you tell the difference? Take a picture. Is the landscape timeless? Can you tell which decade the landscape occupies? What is the correct answer? "NO". Somehow, this SWAG works. Rules followed: contrasting foliage size, contrasting foliage color, contrasting barren dry gravel 'lawn' around a center pool of water plants.
More Rules Followed: Focal point statue on axis, focal point bench on axis, enfilade created (view thru to a view), hedges create a garden room, creating sound with water feature, creating sound with feet on gravel, KISS (keep it simple Sweetie), shades of green create serenity.
I took these pics a couple of years ago in England. They could have been taken yesterday or 1910.