Saturday, July 6, 2013

Front Porch: Long & Narrow

Placing table + chairs at the 'L' of a porch must be in the helix of our DNA.

The web has enough pictures to fill a seductive hardcover coffee table book.

 At the opposite end of the porch, above, more seduction, below.

Places to read, serve a meal, have conversation a basic trinity for your porch.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pics shot last month on Susanne Hudson's porch.  A field gathered collection of furniture with a tight trinity of color: green, brown, white.  Comfort oozes in her still life's.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Front Porch Plants

Choose pots, containers, plant stands so fabulous they can remain empty, if desired.

It's obvious, below, these plant stands can remain empty or filled easily for a party or whim.

Hydrangeas are in their black plastic container, hidden with erosion control fabric.
This front porch is meant for reading, I'll give you something worthy: "Wendy (nothing to do with Peter Pan but short for Wendell) Howell was a grand American gone native (How yer dawgs?) whom I prized as a friend because she did not take to just anyone and made an exception for me.  She like whippets and whisky and had too many of both.  Lots of husbands (including a Roosevelt) had come and gone and she eventually settled with a lady vet in one of those Irish cottages which were rare then and now only happen on postcards.  It had an earth floor and stable doors and, in the sitting room, a vast opening for the fireplace where, if you bent down to look up the chimney, you could see a big patch of sky. At the entrance to the cottage was a sculpture of two whippets, old friends to me as they were an echo of a similar model by Gott at Chatsworth.  Wendy held a pilot's licence but luckily never offered to take me for a spin."  Debo Mitford.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics taken last month Susanne Hudson's front porch.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Curb Appeal Before Entering the Front Porch

Don't tell me 'welcome' with letters on a sign or doormat, show me.

The curb appeal of this tiny frontyard says, "Yes, you want to see the porch, inside the home, and the rest of the garden."

And you're experiencing the potency of the garden's color trinity, without being aware.

Adore the smartness of cast stone urns filled with cast stone flowers & fruits.
Get the color trinity?  Green, brown & white.  Trinity of the ages.  Low maintenance, serene, elegant.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics shot in Susanne Hudson's garden last month.  Girlfriend is serious!  Curb appeal + front porch fabulosity.  We are working on a book together and planning another spend-the-night this month.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Old Tool Bouquet a la Toile

Start collecting now.

You've seen dozens of old tool bouquets on toiles across the span of your life.

Old tools in my garage are ladies-in-waiting.

Think this bit of garden is serendipitous?  Unplanned?  Needs weeding?  A trinity of wrong.  This garden room is rustic balance with its formal companions nearby.
Garden Design is all about contrasts.  And finding a way to hang lovely old tools.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics shot in Susanne Hudson's garden last month.  Seems old tools, old terra cotta & old tin are a new trinity.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Desk in the Garden

Don't you adore hearing a new strange fact, and know it's true immediately?

Every garden needs a desk.

First shared with me by Susanne Hudson.
Have adored sharing it for years.  Zero dissent.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics in Susanne Hudson's garden last month.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Hanging Hydrangea

"Hanging hydrangea", said Robin


to Batman.

How few choose to hang their 6" pots of hydrangea!
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pics last month in Suzanne Hudson's garden.  Don't you still see people talking in their Batman/Robin cutouts?  No?  How boring.  I do.  Of course I thought they were the stupidest thing on the planet watching, enthralled, the first run episodes.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Contorted & Twisted

Take advantage of contorted & twisted.  Honor them.

No lawn, no mulch, above.
Yet elegance reigns.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pic Susanne Hudson's garden this month.  Had the good fortune to spend the nite when the crabapple was blooming.  In the morning we had coffee in the library with the crabapple blossoms filling the horizon, backlit by the morning sun.  An unexpected 'life' moment.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Big Garden Design Rule

One of the most important things to know in Landscape Design, below.

Know when to leave it alone.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic this month in Susanne Hudson's garden.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

New Use for Erosion Control Fabric

Hanging from a large oak tree, below, chandy stays on 24/7.

Recognize the tablecloth?  Erosion control fabric.  Bought in huge rolls.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pic this month from Susanne Hudson's garden.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How to Place Sofa Table

Sofa table, below, rather formulaic with pair of lamps & table toppers.

Laughably obvious!  Yes, put the sofa table outside.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken this month in Susanne Hudson's garden.  She has a totally warped way of looking at & doing the obvious.  Lamps on 24/7.   Don't know where to start furnishing your garden?  Sofa table seems easy.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Covershot Garden Design

Gardens must have rooms which includes halls, foyers, parlors, and the roundabout, below.

Leaning left, below, at the roundabout.

Leaning right at the roundabout, below.

In the roundabout, below, turned & shooting back.  What is this called?  Double Axis.

Same hydrangea, above/below, a few days apart.

Same roundabout, below, different axis.

See your garden thru the camera.  More, see your garden in February thru the camera.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics this month in Susanne Hudson's garden.
Where today, in your garden, can you take covershot pics?  No?   Why live that way?  
Yesterday, late afternoon, fuse to my Conservatory blew.  Tried all the breakers, no go.  Immediate call to 'my guys'.  One will be here today.  It is not too much to ask that Conservatory chandelier & lamps light my days & nites on view from every angle I live. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Double Axis & Before/After

With a view, below, you must be able to turn around

and have an equally fabulous view, below.  Double Axis.

Had the good fortune to visit Susanne Hudson's garden again a few days after this pic, below, was shot.

Without the roses peaking, below, the arbor resumed its status as Focal Point.

Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
All pics shot this month.  Created a garden this weekend and put in one of these arbors, above.  With pendant lite.  We'll use a historic fence template too but one with a bit more privacy.  We won't use white, they already have a delicious dark putty color on their home.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Said Without Words

Simplicity, beauty, easy maintenance, and saying, "Welcome", without words on a stupid sign or flag or doormat.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Susanne Hudson's garden, pic taken earlier this month.

Friday, June 21, 2013



Focal points are macro garden design.

Accessories are subsidiary focal points.

The micro garden design.
Perhaps the strongest tool in Garden Design, micro garden design, making your garden MORE you.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Susanne Hudson's garden, pics taken earlier this month.  I laughed out loud when I saw this pair, had been in the garden days earlier and did not see them.
Remember this garden design rule at the antique shops, art shows, garage sales, junk stores, it's your permission to buy!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Conservatory: Multiple Axis

Near the door of Susanne Hudson's conservatory, below.

And her great garden pun, below.  A plant in the conservatory!  As if.  What?  As if the Conservatory were for plants.  Ridiculous.

The same lamp, below, from a different axis.

Another axis, below.

Same hydrangea, below, different day.  Heavy rains in the interim.

The more axis a focal point has the more successful the Garden Design.
One of the best arrows in your quiver.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken in Susanne Hudson's garden this month.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Decorating with Baskets

Surveying gorgeous rooms for any type of basket is instructional. Combos of textures, formal/informal, colors, form, function.

2 of my favorite baskets, above/below.  Both handmade, vintage, thrift store.

Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What's the View from Your Porch Door?

Diffusing the view, Kimberly Queen, below.  Tolerates full baking sun or part shade, and she's not a shaggy mess unlike the Boston fern.

On perfect axis with the porch door, below, she diffuses the view in too.  Aka, double axis.

The lattice?  Regular, common, off the shelf, a disaster for any home but, in context, understandable here.  This home was rescued and is the Cultural Arts Center in Douglasville, Georgia.
Back to the lattice.  For pennies more special order panels with thicker wood slats, they look custom.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
The fern stand is real, and almost a century old.  Been decades since it held a fern.  Pics taken earlier this month at the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival in Douglasville, GA.

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Table You Want on Your Porch

Rescued: door, windows, stool.  

Love the sexy lines of this stool, we chose it first so more galvanized accouterments placed for balance.  

 Dinner table, floral arranging table, potting table, styled table.  Whatever, they're FREE.

During the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival we caught many pairs of friends sitting, visiting, enjoying the breeze, loving the views.
Susanne Hudson & I sat in the chairs admiring our work.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken earlier this month at the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival.  The porch got bigger with the furniture added.  Why?  More function added along with the beautiful forms.   How did Susanne & I get the porch done, we schlepped everything you see into place.  
No magic minions.
Passion is the magic.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Garden Path: Before & After

Leading to our porch garden, below.  Iron gates roped to the trees.  
Yes, horrendous security gates reborn with grace.

After the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival, below.  Hard to imagine the gates were ever there.

Terra cotta pots, top pic, are Cinderella-after-the-ball, below.

In my garden, above, the pots are still where I unloaded them.
"Scope for the imagination", as Anne of Green Gables would say.
Garden & Be Well,        XO Tara
More of the garden Susanne Hudson & I created for the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival.
Taking down a display garden is quite depressing.  It feels like the killing of a soul.