Century old teller window, below. Susanne Hudson saw it differently & made a trumeau. Placed upside down, mirror installed, a few inches cut off for scale & equally historic molding applied.
Kimberly Queen fern, below, tolerates blasting sun. Vintage white baskets, below, $4 total, thrift store.
Faux bois table in the back corner? Found in junk shop under $10 and it's made of resin. Sprayed, who knows?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken earlier this month at my garden, created with Susanne Hudson, at the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival.
Apologies for vulgarities about filthy lucre, it's in defense of my profession. How many more times must I hear, "I can't afford a garden." Stool, old windows, door etc....were rescued, aka free.
By good accident Susanne's reflection is in the mirror.