Saturday, February 2, 2013

Designing Joy

They had to downsize from the home they raised their children in, and thought would see them to the end.  Their business affected too greatly by the economy.

Their new home, on 5 sloping wooded acres, a good price because of the economy, was quite upsetting to him.  Ironically, she was the strong one.  He felt as if he had let her down, not being able to stay in their 'forever' home.
From the house I designed flowing woodland trails, a river pavilion and a hillside pavilion, in addition to what he expected.
She & I witnessed the child appear in his eyes.  Joy, arriving.  Providence holding him close, "You are safe, this land & home will nurture you, calm you, restore hope, give energy, peace."
Garden house, above, is what I have in mind for their garden pavilions.  Of course they will be wood, but the proportions are correct.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pic via internet, lost provenance.
He seemed to think, at first, he could not afford the pavilions.  I let him know he cannot afford NOT to have them.  He's sourcing old windows/doors now.  Obviously I've watched Mary Poppins a few too many times, spit-spot.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Foundation Planting

Starter home to million plus, Americans love their foundation plantings.  Why?  Rows of green meatballs planted by the builder, pruned ad nauseam for decades showing off the enabling co-dependent relationship serving neither party. 

And the confidence of this driveway.  More than function, a feature.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic My French Country Home.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Banquet

We completed her extensive garden & house renovation in 2011, she called us back for another layer recently.

Chatting inside, getting a little tour of our earlier work, I said, "You must have a banquet here."  Laughing, she said it was exactly what an earlier interior decorator told her.
What are the chances of that?
Garden & Be Well,            XO Tara
Pic House of Turquoise.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Don't Wear This on a Garden Tour

Never wear orange on a garden tour.  You will be seen thru hedges, & everywhere, making a serious gardener, trying to take pics, rabid as an angry bull.

This happened to me in Ireland visiting Helen Dillon's garden.

At dinner that evening, at which point everyone in the group knew I was a rabid bull, excepting Miss Orange,

who commenced to order & drink an entire bottle of wine without sharing with the group as if she was the one thwarted in her picture taking.
I was treated with great dignity by the group, condolences (for my photography being interrupted)  & respect for discovering Miss Orange needed to be totally knocked off our socially acceptable list.

After all, there is a protocol for sharing wine with the group (hello Miss Orange we all shared with you) .
But this isn't where I was going with the pics.
Puppet Barbuda, garden critic extraordinaire, needs clothes, hair, and apparently a ruff for her neck.  She already has a pair of leather lace-up work boot stilettos.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Top pic via Castles, Crowns, and Cottages.  Remaining paintings Diego Rivera via   It's About Time.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Vanishing Threshold

Vanishing threshold's 2 questions: 1) Is the garden so fabulous I MUST see inside the home.

2) Is the interior so fabulous I Must see the garden?
Casement windows, library thick with sconces, terra cotta pots looking 'as if' they were just carried in from the conservatory, I'm wanting to be in the garden looking in at dusk with all the lites on......this room & garden have me.
Want to read every book, see all the ironstone, types of silver.   What types of pots does she cook with?
More than narrative, this bit of vanishing threshold is mentoring.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Thank you Cote de Texas for another great pic on your blog.  Look at those library sconces again, notice the multiple layers?  No need to ask, I KNOW they are on a dimmer switch.
Do you want to be in your garden at dusk looking into your home?  I do.  And adore what I see.
pic via Bumble at Home.  In a small garden, for above, I would use #89 granite gravel instead of lawn less maintenance.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Tree Arbor

Have never understood the concept, "I can't afford a nice garden."

Can't afford an arbor?  You can afford a few trees.  Contact your Extension Service and discover myriad trees available for pennies on the dollar.
Site the trees along the western exposure of your home and save money each warm month on a/c.
Trees raise property value.
Choose native trees as butterfly hosts in addition to bird habitat.
Mary Sarton is wrong, gardens aren't silent.  Who can live without the sound of wind thru leaves?
Trees teach me every fall, trust Providence, let go & be enriched.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
pic via Bumble at Home.  In a small garden, for above, I would use #89 granite gravel instead of lawn less maintenance.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Checkerboard: Inside & Outside

Do you lock eyes on every interior statue or urn on plinth in an interior window?  I do.  Must be a fetish.  Driving my car to appointments I think about which window for my lovely French statue, how to redo its room and what type of plinth to use.  

Client's new checkerboard, above.
Needs statue on plinth, yes?  Silly Landscape Design pun.  Speaks volumes to intuitives.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Top pic Habitually Chic.  Bottom pic, client garden.  Several years ago a client had home office with a wall of windows & black/white checkerboard floor.  You know exactly what I designed in her garden out that view, a checkerboard.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Exterior Wallpaper

No room for a fruit tree?

If you have the right wall with sun you do.
Fruit trees can be bought already espaliered.
Isn't it about time you gifted yourself exterior wallpaper?
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pic Bumble at Home.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Edith Wharton: Garden Designer

Interiors sweetly mimic gardens in detail: repetition, contrast, color theme, textures, ceiling-wall-floor, lighting, use, form, scale, flow, & unfortunately, expense.
Sconces, paintings & ceiling 'pop'.  Hmm, how to mimic this in the right garden?

A good bon mot from garden designer & author Edith Wharton, " "Life is always a tightrope or a feather bed. Give me the tightrope."   Taken from today's,  The Writer's Almanac with Garrison Keillor.  Adore receiving it by email daily.  
Garden & Be Well,         XO Tara
Pic via Habitually Chic.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hemingway: Running From Crazy

Plenty of reasons not to like Hemingway: womanizer, booze, gambling.  Especially being a little girl growing up during the feminist era of the 60's.  His Key West, FL, bedroom, below.

After beloved Miss Louise & Aunt Tillie died I somehow ended up, in my 40's, with a copy of Hemingway's, A Moveable Feast.

It's repulsive how much I like Hemingway's writing.  Hemingway's, Pilar, above.

Running From Crazy, Barbara Kopple's new documentary about Hemingway's 'mental illness' doesn't mention 'addiction' in promotional materials.  Odd, yes?  (Hemingway's pool, above, "“ . . .The swimming pool is wonderful -it is very large and the water, from away under the reef, is fairly salt. Also it lights up at night -I find that each underwater bulb is five times the voltage of the one bulb in the light house across the street, so the pool must be visible to Mars -it is wonderful to swim around in a sort of green fire, one’s friends look like luminous frogs . . .”, Elizabeth Bishop.)

(Had to include Hemingway's treasure box, above.  A past client had one & it was loaded with heirloom silver pieces, more than Jack Sparrow could imagine.)

Hemingway's home now, above.

Ca. 1933, above, Hemingway's garden as he knew it, Jane Austen 'rustic'.  Much better than the 'neat' garden tourists demand.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Pics via Hemingway Home.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Boot Seat

I need this & know of dozens more who need it too.

The cliche, name it to claim it.
A new thing for my eyes to scour for while junking/thrifting.
I'm already anticipating colors to paint it.
And how to redo the back door to place it.
An old wood feed trough houses my garden boots now.  Charming but too small.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic saved to show a client, alas did not save provenance.

If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Elements of Design

Pairs work in Landscape Design too.  Landscape designs need a color theme & contrasting textures.  Include comfortable seating areas in your Landscape Design.  All heights in a Landscape Design are your canvas.  Every view from your garden into your home must be designed.

Every view from your home into the garden should be designed.  
Would love to look into this room, in the evening, from the garden.  This was the rare room to attract my eyes then I later noticed its garden.  A perfect vanishing threshold.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Trinity of Color Themes

Backdrop rustic hedge, with contrasting foliage, balances formality of furnishings & Chinoiserie.

Trinity of color themes: plantings, accessories, furnishings.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
pic via Slim Paley.  It works for interiors/exteriors and will work for you.  After repetition & contrasts, 'copy' is the most potent Garden Design tool.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Front Door Narrative

Contrasts are a potent tool in the garden.

This mirror & curving lines of the light fixture balance the squares of the front door.  Exactly what I would have chosen.  And the scale of the frontdoor handle is pure sweetness.
This frontdoor starts the narrative of the interior.
Every front door has a narrative.  Whether the owner thinks so or not.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic via Cote de Texas.  If the door were palladian then a square/rectangular mirror would be best.  Do not forget to use 'contrast' in your quiver of tools.
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.