Inimitably her own style, in all she does. A bit of her kitchen, below.
She, & her Man, have had time to do their own tweaking. Adding layers to their garden, listening to their muse within.
This is their garden. All theirs.
We talked of this magic, the garden transitioning from my input and the previous owners. Their tweaking. Yet, somehow, it's the garden doing the magic.
Lunch was served outside overlooking the garden. Salmon salad over mixed greens, wine. We would talk, but mostly were silent. Looking at the garden. Then ridiculously, like teenagers, laugh in joy.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Told her I was stopping by the thrift store on the way home. Ha, she came with me and we went to the antique mall too. Love a good Saturday !! Her garden is on tour in May.