If you have an eyesore put a focal point nearby.
2 weeks ago Susanne Hudson & I created a garden/porch for the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival.
Our garden beliefs: simple, historic, focal points, axis, comfort, beauty & simplest.
We bought very little for our display garden. Breezing thru with what we already own. Proving our beliefs in what we created.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken earlier this month. Hydrangea 'Blushing Bride' in the galvanized tubs.
Nurseries don't like Susanne or me. They want to sell you annuals & perennials, mostly. Many independent garden centers have been slammed in this economy and are gone. I know why. They forgot gardens are what people want intuitively, from their soul. Without knowing it, most people are intuitive gardeners/designers. What they don't trust, within themselves, is the counterintuitive skillset garden design demands.