Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Built To Prosper

"In Pennsylvania we find the first pre-conceived garden schemes, William Penn directed the commissioners who settled the colony in 1682 to see that every house "be placed if the Person pleases, in ye middle of its place as to the breadth way of it, so that there may be grounds on each side, for Gardens, or Orchards, or fields, yt it may be a greene Country towne, wch will never be burnt and will allways be wholesome."  Richardson Wright

How many decades now have our homes been laid out for the convenience of getting into a car and traveling to the nearest strip mall?  Developments approved for their tax base (and the developers pocket)  not what the roads, schools, water, sewage, police, etc can handle.
Garden & Be Well,        XO Tara
Pic le Jardin Blanc.  Built by a doctor at the end of the Civil War in Douglasville, GA   

Monday, September 17, 2012

Gravel To The Foundation

What is the incessant USA love affair with foundation plantings about? 
Bushes are either leggy hags or green meatballs.
Ugly, requires maintenance, depreciates the value of a home.
Garden & Be Well,         XO Tara
Adore the gravel solution, above.  Pic from Deborah Silver who owns Detroit Garden Works.
I left USA for Europe to study gardens once horticulture degree was firmly in hand.  Was taught how to be a guy with a truck mow-blow-go.  Worse, they taught  how to landscape design from the street looking at the house.  Europe was a grand teacher.  Will never forget the first time I saw gravel to the house foundation.  GOT IT.  Love moments of epiphany.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Choose A Theme

The 1945 Florida room with 3 walls of jalousie windows

 will be decorated in blue & white.  Using Bunny Williams style.
 Like the garden, the room has a theme.
Until the theme was chosen the room was stuck.  Now, hunting/gathering are easy.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pair, pics above, custom down 18" square pillows found at my favorite junking haunt, $6.75 ea.    

Friday, September 14, 2012

Science: Tree Power vs. Solar Power

Trees increase pollinator habitat increasing yield on crops, decrease HVAC bills, increase property value.

 Fruit trees feed wildlife & people.  Evergreen trees to block winter winds.

Trees are a known resource to improve health. 

In the eastern USA what would happen if the average front lawn were replaced with the design, below?  In addition to the benefits listed, no weekly lawn mowing, no watering once established, 2-4 x's/year maintenance needed.

Where is the science & math on this simple solution?
Have done this design numerous times thru the decades for clients wanting low maintenance.
Garden & Be Well,             XO Tara
Deciduous trees, evergreen trees, canopy trees, understory trees.
Pics Architect Design.  Small house living large with its garden.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Immigrant Labor

For my Landscape Designs to become fabulous gardens there are many to be named a prophet-without-honor.
 This week we lost one at a wholesale tree nursery.  He was bush hogging with a tractor.  It turned over & the mower hit him.  Hours passed before this hardworking man was found.  A wife & children are left behind.
Most of the men making my career possible are immigrants.  Their laboring, striving, leaving home/country, attitude, humble me.
Garden & Be Well,              XO Tara
Went to a lecture luncheon last month at DK Gallery, Gina Hurry is the artist, above.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lamp in the Landscape

Women who have these lamps, I thought as a child, are wacko.  Ticky-tacky gold leaf, gaudy.
Was there an exact date I grew up to be 'wacko'?
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Even in the afternoon I can see the sparkly light bulbs from the house, and they make me happy.  More stupid, about this lamp was its price.  Found at my favorite Antique shop I waited several visits for its mark down.  Not.  I made an offer & you see my trophy!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

French Garden

In France, below.

 I count this, below, one of my greatest joys.

 Because in this garden, above & below,
You aren't in France anymore.  You're in my garden, Stone Mountain, GA, USA.  In a subdivision of tiny lots.  Without my garden, bottom 2 pics, I would see neighbor's houses-driveways-air/conditioner alleys etc...
In my garden, I am free to be where ever I want to be.  Any era.
Pictures don't lie.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Top pic Our French Garden.  Bottom pics my sweet garden.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A View of Central Park

Atop the Metropolitan Museum, below,
 an art installation I visited this summer. 
 With its views of Central Park.  How I wish I could sleep in its various pods.
I imagine its views in different seasons & weather.  And, in my imagination, I have a telescope.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Oddly, these thoughts only arrived once I got home.  Yes, this artist did their work on me !

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Arne Maynard

Arne Maynard gardens simply.

 He listens to the soul of a site.

 He beckons in the language of formality or raw Providence.

 Lush simplicity.  There is no age only the ages.

 A fierce love of landscape is unafraid to look 'not done'. 

 A man willing to copy from the past.

Clothing a home, below.

A drive could have been put in, below.  Without, it's timeless.  Restraint.  Voluptuous.

Arne Maynard.  A light touch with a sure mission.
Garden & Be Well,                XO Tara
Pics via Arne Maynard

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Landscape Design for the Butler's Pantry

At a Landscape Design this summer we landed in the butler's pantry.

She had thoughts of keeping the 'closet' style light fixture and installing as many built-in cabinets as possible. 
Of course her Landscape Design included a chandelier for the butler's pantry AND an entire wall for plates.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
pic via Habitually Chic.  Ironically it was the husband hiring me for the landscape.  Once wife & I met he was toast !   Though he did get a barn, 2 garden pavillions, and a winding woodland garden path with a bridge over his stream.  At his age I've occupied him fully till the rapture. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Simple Garden Fix

A simple solution

 to a couple of tons of problem.
Car tires.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
pics taken at a jobsite last month.  Granite cobblestones.  New, I think from Mexico.  Can't wait till the groundcover, liriope, fills in and there is no more dead brown mulch.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Oswald Chambers

In my garden is where I listen.  Learn.  Let go.

"Determinedly take no one seriously but G*d, and the first person you find you have to leave severely alone as being the greatest fraud you have ever known, is yourself."  Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest.
Have been reading this daily devotional book for years.  
Best $1 junking find ever.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
pic via Linen & Lavender.