Gravel leads to gray flagstone. Curve invites you 'round, mystery.
Entry anchored with a pot/boxwood, repetition of plantings on both sides. Curve has narrative. Called the eye-sweet line.
A macro-path formula, works every time with the magic of being unique each time.
Of course you must deal with the micro-path details.
Resist the urge to go beyond simplicity.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
More of Jeri Farmer's delightful garden. Can you imagine zero mulch, evergreen groundcovers, daffodils, a sasanqua, a camellia japonica, dwarf forsythia..... With Jery's color combination I can see black-white-pink pansies. This path is gorgeous all year.
Too often gravel & stone choices are horrendous. Imagine a brown crab orchard with pops of orange.