Tuesday, May 15, 2012


At the back door, below.
200 hundred acres, she roosts at the back door on the potting table.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Visited my mom for Mother's Day.  Did some gardening for her.  Always do.  2 particular pots she wanted moved.  Once moved I asked her how she wanted them placed 'exactly'.  She asked, "How would you do it?"  "Exactly how you want it.", I replied.  She pushed for an answer and I finally stood my ground, "I won't tell you where they go, because you will do the opposite."  Received her famous raised right eyebrow.  Thus ended that bit of gardening. 
Pic from a client garden. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rules of Vignette

How little can you do & it: is pretty, comfortable, easy to maintain, flows from your interiors, affordable, describes who you are, makes you happy, has a color theme & ages into more fabulous. Does it create its own world?
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pic via Greige Design.  Can you imagine when the vine fills the wall?  This is my idea for the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival in Douglasville, GA, June 2-3, 2012.  Several small spaces of equal size & different designers.  Of course the fabulous garden of Susanne Hudson is on tour too.
BTW, whenever I'm accused of living-in-my-own-little-world I smile & graciously say "Thank you."

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Roman Landscape Architecture

Travelled outside my comfort zone last weekend.  Feeds my Muse to do it at least 'somewhat'. 
 Visited friends, above, had some great BBQ, below.
 Made it to the venue, below.
 Thinking always, "What can I learn here? How can this enrich my knowledge?"
 Talladega is exactly a Landscape Architecture challenge.  Roads, drainage, sewage, paths....
 Wish you could have experienced the cocoon of grace around these men, below.  When I spoke to them their 1st words to me, "Isn't today a blessing?". 
 These are my boys, below.  Deep bosom friends.  Of course they were with me.  Travel alone outside my comfort zone?
Can you imagine what a few Roman legions, perhaps ca. 15 BCE, would do with Talladega?  Viaducts, stone arches, and that ridiculous painted start/finish line?  Air-conditioned sky boxes?  Romans would have outdone the subdued Olmstead of Central Park.  Vulgar decadence.  I've been to Masada, Italy, Caesarea & etc.  Of course I would have to leave ahead of the Romans & Herod The Great.  I know whence their labor came from.
This has indeed fed my Muse. 
Considering the Landscape Architecture of the Romans for Talladega.
Do you do this too?  Create Anne of Green Gables, scope-for-the-imagination to feed the creative well?  Talladega was there for me, me, me. 
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Want to know how the ancient Romans would have used the inner ring of Talladega?  I can hear those lions & Christians now.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Still Life

Beyond normal desires for my garden & home I want the accouterments of my life to be a Still Life.
Have seen it brilliantly done in a handful of gardens/homes I've visited.  They gave me the idea.  A choice in how I want to live.
Leaving for the weekend, my car had been unloaded of  work gear in the garage, above.  My mobile office contained in antique wicker.  Looks like a scene from Ellis Island. 
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Alexandra Stoddard is much better at describing this here, Living A Beautiful Life.  Wicker is an odd thing, it bores you or you love it. 
Perhaps this is why I like benches for focal points.  Their illusion of repose for Still LIfe.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Just Let It Touch

Subsidiary focal points should 'just touch' some foliage.
 It ties the subsidiary focal point to the garden.
 Instead of the subsidiary focal point looking like it landed from Mars.
Was happy to see, above pics, this well sited peacock.
When I was shooting the pics the owner said, "Touch his head, it moves."
Yes, this is a bobblehead Peacock.

Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara

Friday, May 4, 2012

Kelly Harmon: Interiors & Exteriors

Vanishing threshold, interior/exterior are one, below.
 Tassels & Twigs led with the pic, above, a few days ago.
 Kelly Harmon's work, above/below.
 Epiphany: it's ok to use spiritual symbols, below.
 Kelly leaves no detail undone.
A joy to be inspired.  Kelly Harmon, above.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
We'll be moving an old church to a clients property in another layer.  WHY hadn't I thought of a cross somewhere?  Now, before the church arrives.  Ok, got the message. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Table Scape In The Foyer

Tabletop 'scaping' tells me how to landscape.
Lamp is a tree, clock is bushes, figurines are flowering shrub, platter is groundcovers.  (aka, kousa dogwood, sasanquas, hydrangea, liriope.)
Many times mantels, chests, tables, dressers have the exact scaping.  Makes my job easy.  Especially the matchy-watchy stuff.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken in a client foyer last week

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Chinoiserie View

Every window must have a garden view.  And my garden must be a moat of grace around my home.  Facts from my mission statement. 
 Yesterday, above/below, I did something I haven't done since college.  Ironing for pleasure.  Of course I set up with a garden view.
 My grandfather was a doctor & always had a snazzy linen handkerchief in his suit pocket.  I loved to iron them watching the patterns & threads appear.  My brother-in-law is a doctor, and loves to iron.  Without him I doubt I'd have courage to let anyone know of this pleasure.
 My linen tea towels are all vintage.  Ridiculous, silly women saved them for a 'special day'.  They died, I bought them at estate sales for cheapo/nothing.
 In my kitchen is a fabulous new stove/oven.  With a bar perfect for ironed linen tea towels.
Vintage draperies, above, were rescued from a demolished home.  Loved Chinoiserie before I knew 'Chinoiserie' was a word. 
Chinoiserie Chic gave me permission for this passion.  Mentors gave me permission to develop to the 'N'th degree my gardening passion.
My brother-in-law picked me up from Hobby airport last January knowing something terrible.  He let me be quiet, chit/chat, ask questions.  He gave me time & my own lead to understanding.  The car was surely heading to the hospital where my Dad lay.  Dad would not live beyond the day.  He held my hand while tears fell like acid & breathing was impossible.  G*d gave me these moments to compose myself before walking into Dad's hospital room.  G*d gave my brother-in-law the task of telling me my father would die. 
Of course I want to do something nice for my brother-in-law.  I'm on a fresh hunt for vintage linen tea towels.  My sister thinks her husband's ironing 'thing' is humorous.  She showed me his specially ordered iron, a German beauty.
An enriching enfilade: ironing vintage linen, loving Chinoiserie draperies, adoring beautiful garden views.  Willie Nelson was singing love songs.  I took the CD from Dad's car after he died.      
I'm plodding thru this.  Thankful for nurturing templates. 
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Zinc Sideboard in the Woodland House

Woodland House, below, isn't quite complete.  It's at the pool, of course we will never call it a pool house.
 Sideboard, above/below, has a fabulous zinc top. 
 Railings, below, are code but look much better than typical code rails.  That touch of 'custom' reeks of the sublime.  (More literally it reeks of Magic Man!)
 Totally electrified, below, 1 of the 4 sconces.
Ceiling fans & chandelier pics were terrible.
Another day.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Wood needs to cure, it will be stained a faint taupe, echoing the stronger taupe on her home.  Love a project looking so good even before it's complete.
Pics taken at a jobsite last week.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Secretary & A Game Table

She didn't know I would shoot inside.  You're seeing real world no styling. 
 Near her secretary, above, is
a game table.  2 walls of windows for the game table.  What's not to like?
Well, my camera.  The orchid on the game table is gorgeous & my camera picked it up like a boring dust ball. 
These windows overlook my realm: Garden, pool, Woodland House.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken last week at a jobsite. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Vanishing Threshold: Windows Into Doors

Soon, this pair of windows in the breakfast room, below, will be doorways

leading to a new room overlooking the pool & Woodland House.

The hutch, above, will stay.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
Pics taken last week at a jobsite.  Will show how its impacting the living room next.
Again, Tara'izing a garden has turned windows into doors and home/garden into Vanishing Threshold.  She & I always knew we were heading inside for the garden.  Her husband?  He had been merely concerned about the new stone step to the porch.  Now he knows why we merely smiled at his questions.  As the wicked sea monster  in The Little Mermaid said, "Poor unfortunate soul."

Friday, April 27, 2012

How To Site A Pot on Plinth

Pot on plinth, below, placed EXACTLY correct.  Viewed from the backyard, below.

 Viewed from the front yard, below.
 Look closely, below, at the pot's base.  Drip irrigation.
 Quite a sophisticated color palette, below,
pops of blue are magic & subtle.  Can't be seen at a distance.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pics taken at a jobsite yesterday.  Her garden was merely a Tidy Landscape when she hired me.  We're turning it into a Beautiful Garden. 
Steve Eaton of Blossom Boxes does her pots, 770-337-8840, sceaton3@yahoo.com.  Yes, I posted this urn earlier but had not taken the Double Axis pics. 
Did you notice the urn NEEDED a plinth?