Thursday, April 26, 2012

Grandchildren Cause Gardens

Roof line of the new (unfinished) Woodland House, below, is copied from their home.  Pool, built by a basketball star decades ago, is sited wacky.  It was built for the house next door (don't ask).  And the pool is HUGE.  How to site the Woodland House giving narrative with the pool & their home? 
We did but that isn't today's topic.

 Something expensive happened during construction, above.  Alas, it happens a lot.
 She decided to add to the project.  A new deck is going in, above, and some of those windows are becoming French doors.
The new deck will tie into the existing deck, above, and wrap around. Soon the breakfast room & living room will flow to the deck....& pool.
She's wanted to do this for decades.  Oh no, said her husband.
He's toast.  There are now tiny grandchildren.  They love being with their grandma.
Grandpa, repeat, is soooooooo toast.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
Pics taken 3 weeks ago at the jobsite.  Going this morning.  We'll discuss the new deck & its railings to the pool.  Love this woman, we'll talk//work, laugh, hug.  Grandpa?  He gets my best Cheshire cat smiles.
3 decades of Landscape Design & I KNOW what happens when women get their grandchildren. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Double Axis: House of Turquoise

Sandra Espinet, designed a perfect Double Axis.  From inside the living room, below, looking out to the pavilion.

 From the garden, below, looking into the pavilion.
 In the pavilion, below,
looking into the living room.
Sandra owns the interior & exterior.  A rare interior decorator knowing her work ends at the property line not the walls of the house.
Double Axis is an easy concept.  Quit reading this and figure yours out !
Garden & Be Well,               XO Tara
Penelope Bianchi is the rarest.  Interior Decorator doing Vanishing Threshold, Double Axis & la-ti-da multiple axis to a single focal point & etc....
When you realize these concepts are easy, historically correct, necessary to happiness/joy/grace, & affordable you will stop thinking in terms of what Garden Centers & Testosterone-On-Wheels-Mow-Blow-Go want to SELL you.  Foundation plantings & lawn & seasonal annuals?  OMG, worse than boring.  Stupid, environmentally harmful, terrible for property value, & worst of all devastating to your inner muse.  No, don't ask me what I really think, because I can go there too.  And there waits the fabulous Puppet Barbuda.
Pics via House of Turquoise with more about Sandra Espinet, here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Designing With The Poverty Cycle

At a cottage with zero interior/exterior budget, Poverty Cycle, I'm doing platter
 shelves, above/below, in the dining room.  Now, it's deep red paint over poorly hung wallpaper & no direct natural light.  Dare I mention a stippled ceiling? 
 The salon, and it's a tiny cottage, will be arranged
just so, above.  Walls have already been painted BM Historic Color Philadelphia Cream.
Found a mahogany drop-leaf gateleg table almost Shaker in style, old-$60-thrift store.  Ikea is soon.
Garden & Be Well,        XO Tara
Cottage garden will be boxwoods edged in rescued stone, gravel & Tara Turf.  Project is SLOW but satisfying.  Crazy delight to interior/exterior decorate with total Poverty Cycle.  Lamps, thriftstore with shades from Homegoods, are awaiting tables.  G*d does have a sense of humor.  I'm really good at Poverty Cycle interior/exterior designs.  A thriving business plan?
2 clients, in past 3 decades, I designed their landscapes in million+ homes.  Divorce.  We had a blast doing their new home/garden in total Poverty Cycle. 
Cannot find photo credits.  Boxwoods were rescued from a job, stones rescued from a friend's acreage.      
Ironically the Poverty Cycle is a needed element in every Landscape Design.  Gardens of Charleston, SC prove this.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Piedmont Pool & Palms

She asked for palms & cones in the Piedmont. 

Interiors are evocatively French.  Windmill palms & Italian cypress do great in metro Atlanta's zone 8.
Between crest of hill & house, above, a new swimming pool.  Circled by Piedmont canopy & understory trees.
Connecting palms & cones to the Piedmont are Azalea 'George Tabor'.
Plantings sighted for views from pool, upper/lower terraces, bedrooms. 
Notice what happens when beauty is designed?  Beauty works in both directions. 
Did you know to Landscape Design for double axis?
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pics taken last week at a jobsite.  Metro Atlanta includes the tail end of the Coastal Plain/beginning of the Piedmont. 
Biggest challenge was making sure the new landscape didn't look like it landed from Mars.  Their backyard is thoroughly Piedmont.  As a wise woman said, "Grow damn you, grow."  A bit of passalong advice to the azaleas.  Azaleas are keeping the Landscape Design from looking 'odd'.
Love, love, love being challenged with this Landscape Design. 
Miss Nancy Watkins do you recognize your quote?  Typically I utter it privately !

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Garden View: Economic

5 weeks without rain, happy to be working in mud, below, after Wednesday's showers. 
 Could not get pine straw wholesale yesterday.  No laborers to bale, they're picking onions.  The pinestraw available is filthy, and expensive.  Known for a year we've lost a segment of our population.  Do you know what it means, filthy/expensive pinestraw?  The native labor force is incompetent. 
 Blue stone is half the price of gray crab orchard stone.  Asphalt driveways are more expensive than concrete driveways.   Our materials costs are what we installed entire jobs for, less than a year ago.  Lewis Carroll facts.  All reality today.
Sourcing plants is changing my Landscape Designs.  Many common plants are unavailable.   Canopy hardwood trees across metro Atlanta are dying.  Densely shaded neighborhoods I've designed in for decades have expanses larger than several football fields of open blue sky.  Gone with their shade is pollinator habitat & watershed management. 
Business is thriving.
Due entirely to the human spirit.
Clients the past 3-4 years have been engaged, seeking joy, beauty, and I think, grace.  Investing money intuitively knowing their home/garden renovation is a safe/enriching place for it, and more importantly their time. 
Carl Jung said, "Our lives are about getting our outside to match our inside."
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pics taken Wednesday at a jobsite.  Steep mud, 1 of the guys had to help me from slipping, falling, sinking.  I did all 3.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Using Subtlety

She is the Queen of Subtlety, but not.  Wish you could see the hints of her wall color, below, in her jewelry, clothes, lipstick. 
 I arrived in time, with the garden, to site the outdoor shower, below.
A private spot near the pool & just off their work-out room.  It merely had windows until I arrived, just in time, to make sure they were French doors.
For obvious reasons I thought she would like pinkish flowers.
She likes white flowers.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Outdoor shower isn't complete, ceiling & floor still to do.  Talk-talk-talk with clients about their life/garden, listen, learn the lifestyle flow, joys/sorrows, traveling, hobbies, and there is always a sideways remark informing my Muse, "Ah, there's the direction, that's what we'll do."
More interiors later, she's still moving in.  It was a major reno.  Met her co-interior decorator last week, want to introduce her to you properly soon.  They work as a team.
Those French doors at the outdoor shower?  My guys laugh at me for doing this All-The-Time.  The poor husband's of the wives hiring me.  They think their biggest worry hiring a Landscape Designer is the expense in their garden !!  Quickly, they realize I mean business.  And I improve their property value and lifestyle. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Garden View From Her Kitchen

Inimitably her own style, in all she does.  A bit of her kitchen, below.

Before she bought her, ca. 1940, home it had a garden, obviously lovely at one point, but tired.  She hired me to tweak it several years ago.  Axis & entries were boldened, paths redefined, focal points placed, hedges tightened & etc.
She, & her Man, have had time to do their own tweaking.  Adding layers to their garden, listening to their muse within.
This is their garden.  All theirs.
We talked of this magic, the garden transitioning from my input and the previous owners.  Their tweaking.  Yet, somehow, it's the garden doing the magic.
Lunch was served outside overlooking the garden.  Salmon salad over mixed greens, wine.  We would talk, but mostly were silent.  Looking at the garden.  Then ridiculously, like teenagers, laugh in joy. 
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara 
Told her I was stopping by the thrift store on the way home.  Ha, she came with me and we went to the antique mall too.  Love a good Saturday !!  Her garden is on tour in May.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A New Carriage House

Her color theme was chosen long ago.

 Finally, her carriage house is being built. 
 Her dream is a garden seen throughout the years in magazines.
 Love that, easy for me to copy, below.
First day of digging they found a spring.  The elevation changed a bit.  Had to come back and tweak a short & low stone wall. 
Using evergreens, tea olive & wax leaf ligustrum, to block the neighbor's house, 2nd pic. 
Sent her an email every 6-8 months asking, "Started your carriage house yet?"  Honestly, you should have seen the Sanford & Son shed she was living with.  Past its prime, rotting, stuffed & with stuff sitting all around it. 
Their home is historic & it was important to site the new carriage house 'as if' it had always been there.  I lined it exactly parallel with the house.  As they did centuries ago.  And, not too far or too close to her home.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pics take earlier this month.  Her other color is black. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Chair & Pool Color

I came to the project with the backyard.  House, gutted, had already begun its major renovation.
She wanted the new pool to be strong Caribbean blue.  We had several meetings about the coping,  pebbble tec & etc. 
New furnishings began arriving last week, top pic.
Confirmation I got the pool right. 
Garden & Be Well,            XO Tara
Fountain in the beach is perfect, not too loud.  Pool is saltwater.  Pool decking goes in this week, diving board too.  She was a gymnast in high school/college.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How To Create 'Ancient' From New

The Ancient Orchard is new, its bricks are over a century old.

 4 sided, doors let you into each side.  Each door is custom, and
each door is different. 
Doors decay, are damaged & replaced through the centuries.
That is the narrative for this new Ancient Orchard.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
Gates will be stained soon, this garden has a base trinity of colors.  Green, brown, white.  None in shades popular today. Each door a conversation of pics/ideas with owner, Magic Man, & me.  One of the walls has 2 gates, they will be iron.  And fabulous. 
At this garden last week she told me a friend of hers was touching the wall, couldn't keep her hands off.  Of course my hands were on the wall while she told me.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Dare you?  This simple?
Gravel to the walls, color theme, mix of stone-wood-iron, vine-on-house, evergreen cones in pots, round downspouts, beautiful views into the home, finials on the roof, custom shutters, 3-d lite over door.
If you like it, break down the reasons.  Beauty in one spot can be translated into yours.
House is the focal point.  House is the backdrop to the landscape.  Specifically, the front door.
It's brutal to be this simple.  But POTENT.
And low maintenance.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
pic via Things That Inspire .  Even a disastrous brick ranch ca. 1963 can be turned into a historic caretakers cottage.  This house , above, tells you how.  Have fun.  If you, indeed, live in the disaster.  Of course I can be this blunt.  Living in a brick 1986 box.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Copy. Price Is No Excuse.

Copy, it's one of the 1st & best rules of Landscape Design.
It's not the price point, alone, creating this welcome.
What can you copy?
Lights on inside, door/walls with confidently chosen colors, urn on plinth so fabulous it can remain empty & a confidently chosen color, welcoming bench, fabulous light in maximum-3D over the door, metal boot scrape, wood mat, scoring of stone.
Not having a welcoming entry because you don't have the money is not an excuse.
Much to be rescued on garbage day, returned paint found cheaply at hardware store or really cheap at a thrift store, cheap pot with good shape smothered in ivy, faux paint scoring, and etc.
Desire & intellect will provide your beautiful entry. 
Don't have the courage to post drive-by-shootings of hi-end properties with ridiculous front door areas.
You know, champagne budget , beer taste.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pic via Belgian Pearls.