We need a door to balance the fabulousity of historic brick, acreage, meandering heirloom chickens, orchard, potager, Jacobs sheep, ornamental plantings, views from the house & more. Life.
1 gardener, David Hicks, and his book,
This door, top pic, was in David's own garden.
A garden library is wonderful for vision questing. Adore doing it via blogging too, but having one of my antique tables covered in books open to various pages creates more lit-up neural paths in my brain with touch, smell, site, lite, sound the ipad can't compete with.
Ironically, My Kind Of Garden, by David Hicks, was recommended on a blog I read years ago. Blogging & booking are a loop I love. They feed each other. Helping me feed the creative MUSE.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara