Friday, February 11, 2011

Lunch In The Conservatory

Choosing: menu, dishes, silver, linens, making a fire. Anticipating guests arrival. We walk in the garden, lunch, conversation, laughter, & hard truths too. Life is welcomed in my Conservatory.
Preparing to carry desert & decaf to the Conservatory, above.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken in my kitchen. Ancient soup tureen bought in Augusta, GA ages ago when I lectured there; been filled with fresh apples ever since.
You should see the floor, counters, sink, each a disaster.
Wise women know, build the Conservatory first. Priorities, priorities, priorities.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Make Tulips Last Longer

From a distance, white tulips are most visible.These are getting rattier by the day.
Doesn't matter, from the house they look fabulous, their rattiness doesn't show.
Tulips last longer when you keep them in your conservatory.
Another bundle of tulips, bought the same day, placed inside my home are long gone.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken this week. List of reasons you NEED a Conservatory has today's factoid at #6.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

She Created A Still Life, With Lunch, As A Gift

Every lunch invitation was coveted. Her long table staged with stems cut that morning from the garden, a beautiful book opened to exactly the right page for color/content, a textile she had woven set as collage upon the gorgeous wood, dishes & food arranged as jewels, silver-linen napkins-art more collage styling, menu seasonal & delicious, hiring an assistant to serve-clear-facilitate-disappear, music, conversation. Life affirming.
Afterward, a walk in the woods, into the open pastures, silences, more conversation, laughter. I hear her laughter now. See her sparkling eyes, white hair glinting greater than a crown. I feel the strength of our conversations, our silences.
She's gone, several years. Seeing this kitchen, above, brought her close again.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic from Roman & Williams, they have a blog too.
Mary Kistner hired me to design the garden zone between formal at the home transitioning to the wild meadows, the wild woods. David Stevens, my contractor, installed our plan. He became part of our luncheons. Only 50 he died not long after Mary. They are both sprinkled upon Mary's property, known now as Kistner Center, which was donated, in its entirety, to the Georgia Piedmont Land Trust .

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Easiest Design Tool?

Contrasts. Contrast EVERYTHING in your landscape. Big leaves next to small leaves. Burgundy foliage next to green foliage. Spikey flowers next to round flowers. Square terrace with round urns at its entry.Contrasts on this new home are wicked good.
Curves, squares, arcs, circle, colors, wood, brick, glass, slopes, rectangles, peaks, valleys, flat, vertical.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
The next easy design tool? Repetition.
Yes, a good book: Landscape Design: Contrasts & Repetition. (Now, finding time to write it!) Just when you get your contrasts correct it's time to repeat, repeat, repeat......... No worries, it took me a long time to latch on to these tools.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Key Ingredient Of The Best Landscapes

They, below, are in my garden. And many gardens I've visited.Landscape Design is more than 'right plant-right place'.
Good Landscapes are a proscenium for grace & magic.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How To Make New Brick & Mortar Look Old

With a keen eye on historic homes their new home copieda mortar & brick style of the past.
At terrace level bricks are flush with mortar. The rest of the bricks are slightly raised.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken in the same garden as previous post.

Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Add Depth In A Narrow Space

The long brick walk was already installed before I designed this project. My design added to its length, literally & metaphorically.Instead of bringing the brick 'straight' to the curb I flared it slightly.
A common technique for painting on canvas; transition from wider to narrower for creating the illusion of greater depth.
Can you believe the timing of the shadow? Ugh!
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken at a recent project.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What's At Your Front Door?

Vanishing Threshold, below. And an enfilade, a common choice for book covers.I was in my early 20's when I first noticed, in House & Garden magazine, a front door Vanishing Threshold.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic from Victoria Hagan's new book.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chandelier: Before & After

From Lowe's, below, chandelier in my new Conservatory.SHIPMAN called from Buenos Aires last month, "Found you the perfect chandelier, want it?"
SHIPMAN dismantled the chandelier & packed it in a fruit crate for its trip home.
SHIPMAN brought a bottle of wine & 2 crystal glasses for the hanging & gossip fest.
SHIPMAN & I decided it must have summer shades & winter shades.
I'm on the prowl for those shades.
SHIPMAN & I decided the chandelier is only about 80 years old, we pouted a moment about its youth but decided its great backstory, into my Conservatory, adds patina. At least to us.
Life is good.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Voicemail from SHIPMAN this morning, "You must come for lunch in my conservatory this week." Yes, life is good. Now, how to get the time...........

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Killing Me Softly With His Words

I do it to other people almost daily, "Your, (insert plant name), must go." What goes is as important as what stays.Yesterday, in my garden, several big projects. My guy suddenly standing in front of me, in my space, mirroring my body language. Not good.
"Your cedar really needs to go." "Let me take those boxwoods to the compost."
Boxwoods still here, cedar met the chainsaw.
This is so hard.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Hard AND personal.
Pic from the new Laura Ashley catalogue. Gotta love a company selling curtains using an enfilade to the garden.

Monday, January 31, 2011

20 Plants That Could Kill Your Dog

Amy Leigh sent me this title, 20 Plants That Could Kill Your Dog.From, See Fido.
Enjoy !!
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic from a client this summer. We trade garden & pet pics !! Some food too.
Thank you dearest Amy, I didn't know about this site.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Anwar Sadat Taught Me Composure

My mother's 1973 white Cadillac was abruptly stopped by a motorcycle cop, seconds later a foreign (Mercedes, Rolls Royce?) limousine stopped inches from the hood ornament.More police, car & motorcycle, what an inconvenience, stuck in another motorcade.
Peculiar arrogance was placed on my DNA from childhood. Presidents, potentates, pashas, premiers, poo bahs, & etc all came to see my father's work, ABC, CBS, & NBC too. The last 3, a joke. Listening to the evening news to hear what they got wrong. Hollywood made movies about men dad trained. The New York Times runs obituaries of dad's coworkers; neighbors I grew up with. One neighbor, portrayed by John Wayne, lived a few houses down; he didn't work with dad & we didn't know him, it's not a very good movie. Last year another neighbor (he owned Coco Chanel's yacht, had the channel dredged to dock it behind his house) we didn't know was in the NYTimes obits, ha, gossip we heard in childhood was true, all in the obit.
Back to the limousine. In the back seat, no more than 6' away, a man & woman, both looking forward, both with Mona Lisa smiles, eyes sparkling, clothes finer than I had ever seen yet not showy, skin radiantly hued & dewy, were spellbinding.
The air around them a cloud they imbued with their intellect, passions, joys, loves, conquered hurts, spirit, grace & more. I was 15 & had never experienced seeing intuitively.
Those minutes of 'seeing' were profound. Thankfully, more potent than the peculiar arrogance of the time/place of my upbringing.
When Anwar Sadat was assassinated several years later, I was in college, mom made an offhand comment about us seeing he & his wife on their way to NASA. I had no clue I had ever seen Anwar Sadat. At 15 I didn't care who the people were in the limousine I cared about how to get what they had, that cloud.
An introvert, that cloud sustains me designing gardens, doing live TV, lecturing in large auditoriums, accepting the vicissitudes of life while increasing its joys. Anwar Sadat & his wife were my epiphany, they mentored their composure without effort.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Found the pic online, it was probably taken a couple of hours after I saw Anwar Sadat.