Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Garden View

Upstairs, below, at the landing, an axis view to the garden cottage. Originally a 1-car garage plus tiny apartment. Did you notice, above, the charming angle of the rail at the landing?
Standing on the steps, above, and below, a closer look at the garden & garden cottage. Iron railing is original to the ca. 1920 home.
From the garden cottage, below, a view
into the upstairs window at the landing.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Woke up about 7:30am and got these pics; wearing gown & robe. No time to dress, couldn't afford to lose the perfect lite. A woman must have priorities. Yes, same home as yesterday's post.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Architecture in Macon, GA

W. Elliott Dunwody, Jr., FAIA, 1893-1986, designed this home ca. 1920. Not large, it's huge in perfection. Until 5 years ago it was untouched, including its single bathroom; above the front door.Exterior architectural details, below, Dunwody designed, remain.
Room, above, (shown from opposite direction yesterday) has 3 walls of windows. The room above it has 3 walls of windows too. Both rooms have a fireplace.
A living room, above, with 2 walls of windows; facing frontyard & facing backyard. None of the rooms are large, that's much too easy. Each room is scaled to nurture/enrich the human soul.
Dunwody may have designed & built homes but his genius was building lives.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Same home/garden as yesterday's post.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Double Axis: House & Landscape

On the patio, below, looking into the backyard.
On the patio, without moving my feet, below, looking into the house. A room overlooking: frontyard, sideyard, backyard. 3 walls of windows & a fireplace wall with 2 doors. I doubt there is a smaller, more delicious room.
Incredibly exciting Double Axis. Do you have a Double Axis point like this? Get one. Then, get more!
Tara Questions to answer about Double Axis at your home & garden. 2 pictures taken from 1 spot. Does this picture make me want to see the garden? Does this picture make me want to see inside the home?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
More pics from my jobsite in Macon, Ga last weekend.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dogs in the Landscape

Scale, age, patina, quality, & placement; these dogs have IT.Just Let It Touch, above. The Tara Rule, foliage & focal points just touching, a winning combination.
Quiet elegance.
Lamp, shutters, leaded glass, stucco color, plantings, & dog, above, great simplicity. Simplicity so great Puppet Barbuda imagines a Jane Austen novel written/lived here.
Seeing, above, Puppet Barbuda KNOWs it wasn't done by a landscape company (you know, Poppets, mow-blow-go-testosterone-on-wheels). It reeks of Hand-Heart-Eye. AKA: charm, passion, spirit, desire, intent, choices, joy, love, intellect.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken in Macon, GA at a jobsite over the weekend. YES, more coming!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Keep It Simple Sweetie

Simplicity, repetition, color, scale, quality, comfort, timeless, flow, destination, garden room, contrast of shapes-materials-foliage, & more.
Posted on La Maison Fou several days ago, this garden room is proof;
A lot goes into simplicity.
Choosing to say "No" to things, isn't easy. What you keep out is as important as what you put in.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Choosing What To See

Miss Kim fern, below, is a beauty in her gorgeous urn backlit by the morning sun.Decades of shooting gardens taught me to SEE them.
Not the reality.
It's a nice place to be.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken yesterday at my jobsite.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Scruffed Up Is A Choice

Months of the year my formal stone terrace is, indeed, formal. But I adore Scruffy Landscapes, & meadows. (Lot's of blather, internationally, about how tough meadows are. Ha, it seems I'm a Meadow Whisperer !)
Yesterday morning, below, annual blue ageratum gracing my stone terrace & Just Touching the variegated Boxwood-In-A-Pot.
Further along the stone terrace, below, Rudbeckia fulgida fulgida, is gracing the other variegated Boxwood-In-A-Pot.
Early this spring, below, English daisies graced the pots &
Scruffed Up my formal stone terrace. How I adore this !!!
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Poppets, Scruffed Up landscapes are a choice! Boxwood-In-A-Pot works most anywhere across time, continents, styles, incomes & etc. Each of the above flowers self-seed, require zero watering and came into my life by serendipity. A bird gave me the 1st English daisy. Ageratum came in the soil with peonies I dug up from Aunt Tilly's garden after she died. Working at a nursery, decades ago, a customer gave me the Rudbeckia fulgida fulgida.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Beatrix Potter's Beehive

Sharon Lovejoy visited Beatrix Potter's home recently, below.Poppets, look at that darling BEEHIVE !!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly what I need for my tiny property. Exactly. This feels good, already, in anticipation. If I can't find it to buy I'll use the pic & my carpenter will make it.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Never heard of Sharon Lovejoy? Gardener, writer, artist & more wondrous things.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Man vs Crew vs DIY

Susanne Hudson & I chose the site, theme, materials & designed our Garden Conservatory, below, for the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival last spring in Douglasville, GA.We also had this man, below.
Fluid of movement. Body, clothes, tools, materials, site, social skills, sense of humor, (pleasing 2 exacting women), decades of experience &, most important, intellect.
He surpassed expectation (we knew he would), came in under budget, ahead of schedule & worked alone aside from Suzanne & I doing our girlie best.
The other gardens created for the festival? Each, created with crews of men & heavy equipment.
Our man? Last of the Mohicans.
It was an honor to watch him work.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
In my garden I'm mostly DIY, in my dreams I have the skills of this man.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Landscape Light for Interiors

Owner, interior designer, photographer each Get It about landscape light, below.What's To Get?
Lamps, chandeliers, mirrors, textures, window treatments, colors, & etc., myriad surfaces inside a home, affect lighting.
Most important to interior lighting, above? Light from the windows. A daily theatrical, landscape tainted.
Before light enters the home, above, it is infused by the landscape. Carried inside by a joyful Providence.
Does your interior use Providential light? Mine does, by choice. It's how I want to live.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic from Jennifer McGee Design. This girl is GOOD. Many pics of her work include landscape light. Did you notice the open door, above? In my imagination ginger lilies are blooming in the garden & their scent......

Friday, October 1, 2010

Which is the Focal Point?

Obviously the lake, below, is the focal point.Perhaps the focal point is the Illusion of Repose?
Living a busy life, what you see from your windows will enrich your spirit or diminish your energy.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken at a jobsite yesterday. A ca. 1970's subdivision with ranch & split-level style homes around a lake. I've used the landscape design style of Italy at Lake Maggiore for this home/garden. Focal point of the lake is pure. Added evergreen tall hollies to block views of neighbors. And, at the back of the home, a small flagstone terrace for enjoying views of the lake. 5 understory trees were added; the canopy layer was too abrupt with its groundcover layer. Creates a better pollinator habitat too. Odd, in hindsight, how classic-of-the-ages landscape design translates into the best pollinator habitats.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Landscape the Ubiquities of Life Away

"Here I am breathing the soft air of Mount Edgcumbe standing upon the brink of a Cliff overlooking the sea and singing Notturnos with Pacchierotti. Innumerable bees are humming about the Myrtles and Arbutus which hang on the steeps and are covered with blossom." William Beckford 1781Oh my, the connection is intense. Gardens transcend time, size, style, budget, governments.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
View from my garage, above, living in a ubiquitous American subdivision. With my garden, I've left the ubiquities behind.