Saturday, June 1, 2013

Keeping Plain, Plain

There is no 'architecture' at my home.  I've created my own.  The humble cottage.

Instead of lipstick-on-a-pig with the front door.  I've left it as modest as the day it was built.

With only a hint of character.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics taken last week in my garden.  Before the garden I can remember disliking my home so much I would cry coming back from any vacation.  This is my starter home, here 5 years then off to something 'better'.  That was almost 3 decades ago.  If away for a night I cannot wait to get back and see what has transpired in the garden.

Friday, May 31, 2013

In Relationship

If your secondary subsidiary focal points

are 'animals' make sure they are in

relationship to their surroundings.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
For many years I maintained a small  townhome back garden for a client.  She had a little rabbit that I would move each week, as if it were nibbling her flowers.  Her garden was always done on Fridays, her area of town has the BEST estate sales.  These cats are at my front door, pics taken this month.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Using Words in the Garden

Be wary of words in a garden.  

Welcome?  Don't have it in a 'word', say it with your front door, paint color, light fixture, door mat, plants, & etc.
Let 'words' in your garden be subsidiary focal points, amplified in the song of your garden.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken near my front door last week.  A Christine Sibley piece.  Of course bought long before she died.  The ivy 'Gold Heart' is not aggressive.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mosquito Position

Once established,

your garden shouldn't be in need of watering cans.

Pots, yes.  Shrubs/groundcovers/trees/bulbs?  No.
Perfect reason to only have the Queens Pot.
Pots so wonderful they remain empty.
These watering cans have assumed the mosquito position in my potager.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pics taken in my garden last week.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Well Placed Chair

Decrepit, sets the timeline at any spot across the last few decades. 

A narrative.  Timelessness.

The Well Placed Chair must suit the theme you've chosen & leverage it.
You must have at least a pair of chairs for The Well Placed Chair rule !
Paint them the color of your front door, trim or shutters or an accent color threading thru all your interior art works.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken last weekend in my garden.  Oakleaf hydrangeas are incredible this year.  The Well Placed Chair rule was an epiphany after touring Sir Walter Scott's garden.

Monday, May 27, 2013

You Must be Able to Parse

A view, below, from the swing.

The swing, below, from the chair, above.

Virginia sweetspire, a native, below.

Hydrangea 'Penny Mac', below. She's opening pink, after decades of blue, due to drought/aluminum uptake not ph.

You should be able to do this in your mature garden.
Parse the photo angles.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
pics taken in my garden yesterday.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Perhaps the Right Choice is....

What do you need to get rid of?  When Susanne Hudson came to choose colors for my interior she also moved furniture.  Then, literally, she picked up and threw out my sisal rug.  This was at least a decade overdue.

1-2 times each month I do the same thing with clients.
Mostly it's pots or their entire patio 'set'.  
Today, look around your garden, what are you not seeing anymore?  
If I came to your garden what would I throw out?
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Pic, lost provenance.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Water & Creativity

 Excellent reading venue, below.  Have recently been bathing with Wendell Berry, Nicky Haslam & a woman who's been living The Dirty Life.

Tub views are a concern.  Behind the draperies, below, the shower.  

More views soon.  Decisions finally made for the large blank wall, alas, men needed for execution.  
Found a huge vintage Eastlake mirror, huge, $30, it will reflect a garden view.  Timing, it had just arrived into my favorite junk shop.  
Through the decades, as I've stepped out of the shower, complete visions of the current Garden Design appear in my mind.  As if by Messenger, the Muse.
A better drug than the $30 score.
Do you do this too?  Create a garden & home to leverage your thoughts.  Ideas to spur action steps.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics , my bathroom

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Draperies at the Door

 In the tropics of Houston, TX light is brutal.  With many ideas back/forth my sister  & I have concluded the solution to her front door furnace is drapery.

More, the builder added windows above windows across the back of her home.  
When I visit I wear sunglasses inside, even on cloudy days.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Choose a Theme then Overdose

 Choose a theme, Overdose on your Theme.
Orchard House, (aka my starter home in a working class neighborhood of cluster homes ca. 1986, today.)

Feng shui has it right about gardens, better than any garden class, 'you must be able to flow easily around your property.'  Like Mrs. Wilcox I adore walking round my garden.  E. M. Forster knew women.  Coop, below,  is mostly rescued materials.  Why not boxwood, roses, itea, hydrangea, camellia, daphne?  The coop is worthy.

View across the drive, below, with front loading garage.  Some jurisdictions have outlawed my type of home.  Too unfriendly.  Garagecentric.  No worries, it is my starter home, here 5 years & off to something more worthy of my magnificence.

It's obvious I had to do more growing than the garden.

I'm particularly pleased with this bit at the side of my garage, above.  Though the white roses lost their graft and only the root stock is left.  Reminds me of an old vicarage wall .
Did you see the neighbor's houses?  Why would you?  You've entered my world.  An old cottage......  and become lost in my theme.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken in my garden last week.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fireplace Decorating Ideas

Over my fireplace mantel today.

What do you do with your worn out & broken tools?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Yes, screwed to the wall.  And each other.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Hiding Ugly Views

Pleased as the Cheshire Cat.  One of my chief accomplishments.  Do you see why?

A few feet away from my house, above, is a neighbor's house.
Yet the view is a Woodland Garden: contorted filbert, hydrangea, camellia, azalea, hosta, fern, helleborus, bulbs, meandering path edged with tree limbs.  And the air-conditioner.
It's a lifestyle choice.  Anything else, for me, is subsistence living.
I travel farthest in my garden.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken yesterday, lovely rains all day.  The Woodland Walk is morning sun, with Tara's Trinity of the Southern Garden, azalea-camellia-hydrangea, there are blooms EVERYDAY all year.