Tuesday, May 15, 2012


At the back door, below.
200 hundred acres, she roosts at the back door on the potting table.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Visited my mom for Mother's Day.  Did some gardening for her.  Always do.  2 particular pots she wanted moved.  Once moved I asked her how she wanted them placed 'exactly'.  She asked, "How would you do it?"  "Exactly how you want it.", I replied.  She pushed for an answer and I finally stood my ground, "I won't tell you where they go, because you will do the opposite."  Received her famous raised right eyebrow.  Thus ended that bit of gardening. 
Pic from a client garden. 


Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

LOL now we know where you got your feisty personality from Tara! I bet where ever the pot went it looked great. LOVE that chicken on the potting bench...how cute. I hope your day is a good one!
Maura :)

Sherri B. said...

Hahaha...I raise the left eyebrow to my adult kids! Love the roosting chicken, they are strange like that. xo

Lori Buff said...

Some of us always want to be near the potting bench.

Connie in Hartwood said...

It sounds like you and your mother have the same conversations that I have with MY mother ... especially the 'opposite' part.

Love the sweet hen photo.

Anonymous said...

Love the hen! She is the perfect example of your "unstyled" genre of photographs. How could a styled photo be any cuter?

Anonymous said...

That sounds too familiar!!!!!

Love the photo!!

richardwilkins said...

LOL..it seems that the chicken is satisfy on it's place.

Federal Posters

Anonymous said...

OH, I do miss my Mother so much!

(I hope this doesn't sound like bragging)

She would ask me.....and do every single thing I said down to the smallest detail! Down to the "tassel"!!
I was so spoiled! all of my clients for years were just like that!

Now....my daughter does not do that....but she listens.....we are very close.
I picked her and my grandchildren up today (they saw Colonial Williamsburg!!) And I asked her....did you see my blog?

No, I don't read your blog!

It is OK! she is rearing 2 children, my grandchildren!

I think she would like the one about the ducks.....I think I will send it straight to my granddaughter!

Extremely rare. I am so grateful.

Anonymous said...

oh ps......

I am 65 now.....and my darling supportive mother died when I was 33. I have memories......and her presence is always with me!

You lucky ducks who are close to your mother's who are still alive......appreciate every good day!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! this hen is "broody"!

I would guess! (they lay one egg a day.....they wait until there are 9 or 10 or 11 and then the "get broody"

they start sitting on them.....with the purpose that all the eggs "hatch" on the same day!

May we have a follow-up?

(I have a hen on 9 eggs......haven't "candled them yet)!!

Cyndia said...

And who wouldn't want to roost in an old enamel pan? I took many a spit bath in one of those at Grandma's house!
I burst out laughing envisioning your conversation with your mom. It was eerily like those I have with mine! Heaven forbid I should put something in a spot she didn't pick out. I would never hear the end of it. No raised brow though. THAT I got from the same Grandma mentioned above. My daughter says I give her the same.
Strong women we come from!