Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Do You Know When to Edge a Gravel Drive?

Soon the crape myrtles will arc & touch over the gravel lane.

Designing this century old property back-to-its-history the edges of the gravel lane, above, have been designed with extreme concern.  Perhaps you think they are undone?  Not considered?  Messy?  Amazing how subdivision landscape design taints perceptions.  I can see Flannery O'Conner walking down this lane not a curbed concrete ribbon in one of today's subdivisions.

Yet, at the end of the crape myrtle lane, above, a parking court is tucked in with neatly clipped hedges & gravel edged with cobblestones.  Formality.  Bang.  Huge garden design decisions not meant to be 'noticed', but, deeply intuited.  Even by those not interested in gardens.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pics at jobsite last week.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Overdose on a Theme: Coke

  We knew the red table was perfect.  

In context, above.  Overdose on a theme.

Out of context, above.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
Pics taken last month shopping with client.  We knew another layer had arrived for her property and had a successful day at Scott Antique.  Ironic, how many times have I passed things by because I saw no context!
Remember well when I could not tolerate any garden design rules.  Any.  Now, quite a few are my favorites.  Overdose-on-a-theme is at the top of the list!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Work in the Barn

Left open with intention.

Come inside.

Unfinished & mostly empty, the old barn has pulled us inside for over 2 years.  Structural & mice & wind & electric & rain & heating & flooring issues are done.
The completed list is a definition for 'beloved'.
Big plans.  Of course you will be kept in the loop.  And I'm sure, one day, invited.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pics taken at jobsite this week.  Incomplete, the power of intention is already producing results from this space of grace.  Often I design the Poverty Cycle into plans.  This barn is literally historically from America's poverty cycle.  Top pic is instructive.  Do I include that much integrity of personal character from the hand-heart-mind that built this barn?  A rich thought, humbled by a barn.          

Friday, August 16, 2013

Desk & End Table on the Porch

Perfect place to get a few things done on the laptop, a quick lunch, perhaps a grandchild coloring?

Maybe it's only an extra chair.

A magic table:  end table AND desk.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken yesterday at jobsite.  Did you notice the garden view in the top pic?  Decades of experience, studies in historic gardens across Europe, college, seminars, knowing  simplicity is the 'skill'. .

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Mr. Checkbook & My French Doors

Their old dated vintage pool is almost as cool as Steve McQueen's tan lines.  

Mr. Checkbook did not want to put the French doors to the pool during renovations.
Mrs. was all-in.
Blessedly financing was s-l-o-w.  Thank you bad economy!
Me?  Never wavered.
Full frontal verbal.  For weeks.
Mr. Checkbook & I have history, this is our 3rd garden together.
Mrs. surprised me this month, "Come for a consult this week."
French doors installed & Mr. Checkbook beyond pleased.
My Intergalactic Wimbledon Finals backhand down the line winner with the perfect amount of insouciant speed against Mr. Checkbook for the tennis title win of all time.
Except this is better, he wins too.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
Remember this pic from the 60's Life article?  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Full Moon Landscaping

The old barn was updated for wine tastings & dinners.

Beyond the doors are tall & short meadows, fat curving gravel roads, views of the Appalachians, and vineyards.
By accident I think they've come upon the perfect landscape design for the light of a full moon.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
My little suburban garden mimics many 'large' garden design ideas.  This?  A league of its own.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Glass Rain Chain

Rain chain you'll want to have.

These chains, hooked to a drain, remain taut & sheet water beautifully.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic last weekend.  Where have I been, this was the first glass rain chain I've ever seen.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Simple & Functional is the Goal

Looks simple.  Isn't simple.

Major functional too.
Reminds me of the cliche, restraint-of-tongue-and-pen.  We know it when we should do it yet don't !!
Do you know what the vine on the house is called?  Vertical lawn.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pic provas bc.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hiding Houses with Landscaping

Here is the western full frontal side of my home, below, shot from the neighborhood street.

This is a neighbor's home, below, at the western side of my home.

Another pleasing view of my home from the street, below.

Within this hedge, above, is a pond, arbor, stone terrace, paths, & my home.
I should have been the Benevolent Duchess of Hambrick in Alice In Wonderland, "I don't want to see those houses."
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken in my garden this month.  Amazing, and amusing, how large my property looks in pics.  It's teeny in real time.  Of course it is indeed large in relationship with the depths of my life.  Do you love coming home to your garden?  You know I do, it's never boring.  Always something new, delightful, charming.  As if the garden anticipates and desires to please me.  And knows my reactions.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Perfect House


I see this on wheels.
And made of rescued materials.
No, one of these would not be enough.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pic India Hicks.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Create Mystery

A path into my tiny back garden, below.

 A coop, conservatory, flagstone terraces & etc. are slipped with precision into their setting.

Who wants to see everything at once?  Discovery & delight are fundamentals of garden mystery.
Plants are allowed to be themselves.  Mostly.  Camellias, azaleas, hydrangeas, tea olive, roses, boxwood, itea, aucuba, akebia, daphne.  Something is blooming every day, all year.  Now, it's hydrangeas & crape myrtles.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
pics taken last week in my garden.  The entire lot is a mere 8500sq. ft.  Paths are integral to creating mystery in my garden.  

Monday, August 5, 2013

Fruit at the Front Gate

At my front gate

my apple orchard with H. 'Tardiva', above, and R. triloba, below.

In person the visible is a working class neighborhood of closely set homes each with green meatball foundation plantings and lawn.
Amongst this setting my apple orchard & flowers are outrageous.  A negative to neighbors.  And some who love me.
Go figure.  Gardening is subversive?
Merely following my heart towards the beauty it desires.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
pics taken last week in my garden.