Landscapes ARE architecture. Begin creating architecture in the landscape with ceilings, yesterday's post, then walls.
(My Tea Olive Terrace, below, along the side of my home.)Landscape walls can be the side of your home, above, or all plantings, below.
(Wall, below, is mine & hides the neighborhood from my tender sensibilities. What me not living in the Cotswolds?)Espaliered woody shrubs & vines dramatize the walls of a home, fence, dependency & etc., below.
(My Bay Terrace, below.)Using wit, below, Susanne Hudson swags a window. Pow, Shazam, baby.
With more wit, intellect, & drama she created a garden room, raised on a dais
(aka deck, but dais is ever so much nicer, yes?),
with old church windows.
Landscape Design: create walls.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Slow down, peruse again, Landscape Design IS this easy. Look at the 2nd pic again. Notice how much sky I own because of my walls? You would CRINGE knowing how many houses along the ubiquitous subdivision cul-de-sac lane (aka street) my garden obliterates in that 2nd pic. Who knew? Gardens are offense & defense. A moat of grace around home & life.