She sensed I was sinking. I didn't know I was.
With time, clarity.
At the driveway between the Big House where she lived, and the Carriage House where I lived, backed by 50 acres of wood & pasture with horses & dogs & cats, and solitude, she slipped me a volume,
A life raft.

Written at Long Barn, above, the home she rented from, Vita Sackville-West, Morrow mentions a moment. Coming into the room, a climbing rose tendril & bloom had fallen inside the open window.
In that instant I was crying, heaving cannot breath tears.
My life was horrible, and no where near having something as beautiful and sweet as a rose blossom falling into my house from the garden.
Jumping forward a decade+, I walked into my home office, upstairs, opened the window, and a climbing rose, dropped tendril & blossom softly onto my desk.
This rose said, "You've been flying for quite awhile, you grew the wings you needed." Until that moment, I had forgotten those heaving tears a decade earlier. New tears, as unexpectedly, with the same heaving force, except I was catching breaths between laughter.
Jumping forward 2 decades, I'm still in awe of these 2 roses, anchoring a decade, and the start of living.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics from Yale library, here. This is my Janus, January, story, what is yours?
Of course I read all of Morrow's books after the 1st gift. Have given them as gifts. Paying it forward. Giving it your all? Not happy? Buy the book, hit the link.
What am I doing today but reading SISSINGHURST in bed!The new book........almost finished will finish today!Took a break to go out to fetch the mail.......a small envelope addressed to LA CONTESSA and her manly men!Ate lunch and opened my email to THIS!
HOW GORGEOUS IS THAT!!!!VITA and I are TWINS......almost!She loved every plant I have in my garden.......I'm off course here as we are speaking about ANNE here.............anyway, I will read her book too!THANKS for the OMG Moment!I need more of them..........XOXOX
What a treat this post was for me! In a glass bookcase in my bedroom are books that I don't lend out. Anne Morrow Lindbergh's are in there, falling apart from the years of reading, The Flower and the Nettle my favorite.
A wise woman gave you this book, and I love that Lindbergh had such a profound influence on your life. She did on mine also.
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