Saturday, September 27, 2014

Southern Matriarch: Good Advice

This view, below, is totally designed.  Preservation of meadow, wild wood, hedgerows.  If poetry has 'tone poems', indeed, 'garden poems' are drawn from a deeper well.  They can be heard, read, and seen.

How does this 'garden poem' reach deeper, grow in meaning?

"When the time is near, prepare the grave.  Do not wait until your pet has died.", her friend advised.  Rich wisdom gained from her mother, the rarest of breeds, a true Southern matriarch.
He is now blessedly abiding under the oak tree.
His passing changing this view for all who knew him.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pics shot last week.


Kay said...

A little teary. Such good advice. We let our beloved dog go in July. And yes, our view changed, too.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant of you to "showcase" and tell the world about the "true Southern Matriarch"!

I was blessed to have one as a mother......from Birmingham Alabama.......and my friends who remember her.....go on and on about her.

Southern Matriarchs are treasures! I hope I can pass it on!

Lovely and loving creatures, indeed!

Connie in Hartwood said...

Wise, both the thought and the planning that went into such a beautiful view.