And, Dahlings, this is big, I stole the view, above. Those aren't my trees. La-Ti-Da.
Azalea 'George Tabor' is the pink flower you see. Soon blue mophead hydrangeas will be blooming. Later, rosy pink Sasanqua's will bloom.
By December I'll have the 4 Seasons view from this window.
(Tara's Trinity of the Southern Garden: Azalea, Hydrangea, Camellia. Plant my trinity and you won't go a day in the year without blooms. Included are oakleaf-Anna Belle-mophead-PG-Tardiva hydangeas & C. Japonica.)
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
23 years in my home & these are the first pics from this view. Why? Since January interiors have been painted, kitchen & master bath remodeled, furnishings redecorated. Odd, new interiors creating new views of the garden. Susanne Hudson was hired to choose colors. Ha, that flowed into other changes. Love everything she's done. Salient fact, I gave her free reign. Total control. A blessing to get out of my own way and let Susanne create magic.
Stolen views...I love it!
Hi Tara,
Lovely views and pics.
It takes guts/trust to step aside and let a pro do her thing. The results are usually superior that way.
Once again...simply beautiful...does the trinity work for a Nashville garden? Just wondering...because my garden is growing and glowing courtesy of your generous sharing!
Thank you for all you've given
Now some genius needs to come up with a northern trinity. November to March, we're pretty dead around here bloom-wise. I steal views, too: esp. my neighbors enormous and garishly colored play structures. On the upside, the stolen views in the other direction are mountains;)
Christine in Alaska
a life long southerner recently transplanted to indiana who really, really, truely, terribly misses her camelias!!! mine back home were huge towers of power giving me blooms from fall until spring...
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