They give the illusion of repose.
Weeks & months may pass without time to sit in my garden. Doesn't matter.
Potency lies in the illusion, throughout my days, seeing from the windows, views prettier than any Hallmark greeting card.
Seriously. How can Hallmark compete with a deep red cardinal landing on the top of a chair & singing to his mate? A squirrel bringing lunch to the arm of a bench in the potagere?
Comfort must not be illusion. Sit test each chair/bench.
I don't care if it's rescued or only $19.95. If it's not comfortable & fabulous, don't take it home. Remember my estate sale question, "Will this be fought over at my estate sale?"
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
I took the pic in Susanne Hudson's garden.
Lady you give good advise.
I agree with all your words and thoughts. Have a fab Sunday..
You are SO wise! And your words are enchanting to me.
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