Monday, December 14, 2009


Sir Roy Strong is my favorite living landscape designer. Through his books
I discovered Landscape Artist Jonathan Myles-Lea.

Jonathan created his signature style

using a combination of styles centuries old. But his PERSPECTIVES are uniquely new.

It amuses me imagining Jonathan painting my sweet garden. Seriously, I wonder what perspectives he would use. My checkbook laughs.
No worries though. My life, surrounded by my sweet garden, keeps my soul laughing.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Sir Roy Strong. A new name for me to discover. Thanks!! I adore the look of these drawings.

Sounds like your checkbook and mine could be fast friends. They seem to have similar senses of humour!

Anonymous said...

You caught my attention at Roy Strong, also my very favourite garden designer. I have every one of his books, really enjoyed his diaries. When I lived in London, I was lucky enough to attend a lecture given by him. It was only a few months after his wife died, and when he talked about Julia, he teared up. And so did everyone in the audience.