Saturday, March 21, 2009


Outside my office window, top left, viburnum x burkwoodii are arraigned in white glory. Faithful friend each year. Hearkening spring, honoring winter. Their fragrance seductive, evocative, redolent. My birthday is very soon, ha. When the viburnum blooms I know I've made it another year. Throughout the year, many birthdays as various plants come into peak. My 'real' birthday pales in comparison.
Blue blossoms near the viburnum? Hydrangea 'Anna Belle' with leftover spray paint. Sometimes being silly in the garden works.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


Ewa said...

I love viburnum, only sometimes, I am sad, that blooms live too short...

Tara Dillard said...

You made me realize why they are so special. Their blooms do not last long..........

XO Tara