Saturday, July 28, 2012

Garden Room

Romance of windows opening inward.
 Small, not even  8' x 12', it is perfection.  A nurturing space
 A place to draw, deeply & richly, inward into yourself.  Read, nap, lunch.
And the garden beckoning.  Palpable.  A room knowing what the soul needs.
Garden & Be Well,              XO Tara
Pics taken last month.


Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Lovely little garden room. Our summer is so full of saturated color....and our garden room is the polar opposite of yours. Hot! said...

What the soul needs... exactly! Thanks for putting that into words.

bec said...

A grand tree to gaze upon...though a kind window.
Bec x

Anonymous said...

Gardening as an hobby gives an immense happiness as treating plants and trees as our loved ones and taking care of them like a small children's.As finally they are going to benefit us the most.

Unknown said...

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