Thursday, April 8, 2021

Getting To Tara Turf: Man #4

 "Dear Tara, This portion of Meadow Talk follows your writing of gardens as sacred and redemptive landscapes.  Joel Salatin is the editor of Stockman Grass Farmer and writes the column." LD


Began a letter, above, mailed with a stamp, from a post office, last March.


Knew Joel Salatin, and his PolyFaceFarms, not his column for Meadow Talk in the newsletteer for Stockman Grass Farmer


Salatin included in his column, concerns of MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, professor, Otto Scharmer:

"...we're in a civilisational crisis involving three issues: economy, democracy, and education.  As a trend predictor, he finds universal agreement on three things:

1.  The old civilization is moving in the wrong direction and 2020 was when we hit the wall.

2.  I want to participate in a new story.

3.  I don't know how.

     He says the new economy starts with agriculture, including taking city people to the country in order to offer living ecosystems to connect with soil and farms.  He envisions future farms being a nexus of university, church and factory.  In other words, farms will be hubs of intellectual, social, spiritual, and physical development.  He sees that as the solution to the three areas of crisis: environment, economy, and spirit."


Ca. 1987 I discovered Tara Turf, touring historic gardens across Europe.  No lawns there. 


Tara Turf is local.  Providential to each locale.  Evolved with soil, trees, flora, watershed, fungi, bacteria, fauna.  Your serotonin & dopamine?  Your mental outlook?  Not in your DNA, in your microbiome, fed by soil microbes.  Formed across millions of years before humans.  


Lawns were created post WWII, they had to sell their bomb making chemicals somewhere new.  Pouf, mothers with young children were their target, to keep their babies & children safe from 'bugs'.


Tara Turf, below.  Nearer a house, mowed lower, yet keeping majority of its benefits to soil, watershed, flora, fauna, YOU. No need to travel to a regenerative farm to experience redemptive agriculture.  Site it, Providentially, around your home.


Tara Turf is your micro-realm of Earth ministry.  Given to you.  To be given by you, with the gift of discernment.


Tara Turf, for most, is something you will have-to-do.  Once you have Tara Turf it something that happens-to-you.  In goodness, love, Nature, health mental/physical, transcendence.


Understanding backwards, Rainer Maria Rilke: "Living the questions embracing uncertainty allow for intuition."


Hence, you've read this far, your intuition.  Tara Turf was pure intuition for decades.  LD, sending the real post office mail to me, above?  I designed Tara Turf into her acreage 8 years ago.  Two years into the process, we learned together, Tara Turf is maximum pollinator habitat.  Tara Turf, is life given from Providence.  


If you dare go a step further, Tara Turf is your stewardship.


"In the course of creative endeavors, artists and scientists join fragments of knowledge into a new unity of understanding."  Vera John-Steiner, Psycholinguist.


What is your narrative now, in your landscape?  Describe it to me.  The elevator narrative, floors 1-10.


"We are constantly being invited to be who we are."  Henry David Thoreau.


Adore her hose reel, above.  Easy watering.


"....only the ego can blind an artist to the recognition that all creative work begins with imitation before fermenting into originality under the dual forces of time and consecrating effort."  Maria Popova


"There is no love without truth, there is no love without discipline, there is no love without responsibility both from the one loving and from the one being loved."  B. Mosquito.


What I know about love, and my garden.  I love my garden, my Garden loves me.  Slow down.  Let that sink in.  You love your garden, your garden loves you.  


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely, in all your ways be mindful of Him; and he will make straight your paths."  Proverbs 3:5-6.  


Yes you can create your garden, the one abiding in your soul.  Put words to it.  Plenty of word soup here, and you'll make it better than mine.  Why do you think I have to share?  I love it so dearly, and know you want it too.  


My hunt has been, life Pastoral, its bucolic idealism and sentimentalism removed.  And what did I find, decades later?  Love.  


Man #4, did not flinch.  Those 3 men fleeing my request for Tara Turf?  Tara Turf did not suit their economic foundation for nice trucks, trailers, mowers, weed-eaters, payroll, chemical & fertilizer applications, irrigation system.  AKA, industrialized landscaping.  Why tell you?  I'm an 'expert' and ran into this dystopian nightmare of industrialized landscaping.  It's not you, it's your wanting Nature in your garden. 


Industrialized landscaping is monetized to take away everything we gain from our Garden: power, justice, wisdom, truth, grace, forgiveness, epiphanies, health, redemption, righteousness, discernment, stewardship, beauty, love. 


Everything in my life, is in my Garden.


Garden & Be Well,    XOT


All pics, above, here

Man #4 said to me, "No client has ever told me they love their clover, much less want it tall."


Tara Turf is a wall of division, or pure excited love, in my life, with others.  


Question I asked in my Commonplace Book, maybe a year ago, "Why the agrarian garden?  It's God AMPLIFIED."  Below that, I wrote this prayer, Let me act toward impossibilities you see in me God, do not let fear win.


More from the same page of my Commonplace Book:

Agrarian began with the Divine.

Agriculture began with the profane.

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