Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Zen of Choosing The Right Fence Color

 See the epiphany, about Christopher Spitzmiller's fence, below? 


Seriously, I want you to verbalize, aloud, why his fence, below, is divine.  Not using 'divine' flippantly here.  It's in earnest. 


Hint, Christopher didn't want you to see any epiphany about his fence.  None.  He almost had me too.  Realized hours later, BRAVO Christopher, you did the classic, the centuries old. 


Why do we assign our Garden Design choices to 'Socially Acceptable' ?


Majority of people are unhappy with their landscape.  Gardens are here for us, to enrich our soul.  And each other. 


Popular Culture is enriched, filthy lucre, with you being unsatisfied with your landscape.  Money to be had in fertilizer/chemicals/mowing/pruning/conformity.     


"Trace your unhappiness to the place that is causing it and ask, "where am I not myself, my whole self, and nothing but myself?"  Martha Beck.  Ask this same question about your own Garden Design.  What is your integrity toward your garden, Earth, yourself?


Beck, adds a simple definition for integrity. 




Spitzmiller's fence, above, disappears, it recedes, as it should.  Placing focus to the garden's proper focal point: open meadow, and table.  Time passes, people arrive, a gathering of souls, in joy of companionship, breaking bread, the focal point changes again.  


You, your life, your friends, your family, your pets, are the Focal Point of your garden.  From your home, looking out upon your table, low meadow, fence, the Focal Point changed again.  If you've gotten this far, you've created your own world.  The world enriching you, Earth, family, friends.  A world wrapped around you physically & mentally, a world you carry within you. 


"You may not believe the joy that comes from complete integrity is possible.  It is. conform, we often end up ignoring or overruling our genuine feelings ---even intense ones, like longing or anguish.  At that point we are divided against ourselves.  We aren't in integrity (one thing) but in duplicity (2 things).  Or we may try to fill many roles, living in multiplicity (many things).  We abandon our true nature & become pawns of our culture."  Martha Beck.


If you've read this far, you have longings for your garden.  Honor them in integrity.


And you thought it was a simple choice, "....what color should I paint my fence?".  Go big.  For your life in the Garden.  Your Garden.  Which is nothing less than your life on Earth.


Pics, above, here, with more pics of Christopher's garden, and a well-written article.


Martha Beck's quotes from article at Maria Shriver, here


Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara


When is a fence color, just a fence color?  Never, in my realm.


Hope the Spitzmiller shoot was able to have a sit down lunch or dinner at this table after their work complete.  Would love to know the menu, and prayer said.

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