Monday, March 29, 2021

Never Be Stuck Starting Your Garden Design: Use This Design Trick

 Focal Points On Axis.  Directed, DIRECTLY at you.


Where does your Garden Design begin?  Garden Design begins inside YOUR home.




Focal Point on Axis.  (Detailed further in my book, Beautiful By Design, and others.)


No book bought no worries, it's simple.    


Inside your home, looking out windows, especially windows you use predominantly, site a focal point on axis.


What focal point?  Doesn't matter.  Can be a plant, can be an object.  If it's an object, you must remember another simple Garden Design Rule.  Ask yourself about any object you site in your garden, "Is this piece so wonderful it will be fought over at my estate sale?"


Words, above, gardened, below.


You're looking at Focal Point On Axis, below.


Perhaps this room, below, with friends or family, has more than once, helped, "mellow the rawness of ...personal opinions."  A.E.Houseman.


Don't you know?  This is what gardens are for.




Everything in my life is in my garden.  Hope you've done this too.  If not, begin.  Designing your garden of the ages, for your ages, puts in 'textural & granular' enriching metaphors, to be savored across your decades, awaiting their turn as reminders of every life's, demons & angels.  


"If I got rid of my demons, I'd lose my angels."  Tennessee Williams.


It is the garden where I take it to the mattresses.  Born this way. 


Test passed, above.  When you've begun designing your garden, Focal Point On Axis, voila, it enriches more than whence you began.


Garden Design, this method, my method of choice, creates, Life Pastoral.  


"Science must not impose any philosophy, anymore than the telephone must ell us what to say."  G.K.Chesterton


"The human mind cannot create truth, it can only observe it." Anon.


Outside,  above, wrought from solid  Garden Design: Focal Point on Axis, from inside the house.


Get it?  Good, zero reason to ever be 'stuck' starting your own Garden Design.


Designing your garden for a Life Pastoral brings like minded people into your orbit.  In every richness money cannot buy.


Poets Wallace Stevens & Robert Frost were friends.  "On a train trip, Stevens turned to Frost and said, "The trouble with your poetry Frost, is that it has subjects.", to which Frost retorted, "you write about bric-a-brac."  We all need such friends.



Choosing plants for your Garden Design Focal Points on Axis, From Inside Your Home, CHOOSE plants pollinator friendly to your zone/area.  


You cannot have too many Hosanna's to Pollinators.  


Hosanna = Save Us.



How the light comes inside your home, above, textured granularly, through your garden.  Who wants less? 


Seek, Life Pastoral, each of us, made for Life Pastoral.  Literally.


Choosing your Garden is choosing Life.  Yours.


Of course I've had the wilderness experience, living in depths of unwisdom.


Why are most gardens forgettable?  There is no art in them, their essence has no scent, no texture, nothing worth memory's skill.  If you've read this far, this is not you.




I leave the world, walking into my garden, and it's my world the garden helps me understand.  How is it, I cannot see the alertness of my garden, yet feel its waves thru my body?


Because it was Palm Sunday, yesterday....will go a bit deeper, in thanks to Life Pastoral.  The life I sought, unaware.


Into my Commonplace book, 12-14-19, I wrote, below, mere-days-ahead-of-great-personal-troubles:

Outside my garden there is strength to keep at bay hard facts & hard truths & hard wisdoms not yet accepted.  Inside my garden there's a private line of communication, dribbling bits of those hard truths, in so much love, there is no hesitation, none, no anguish, in taking the message, leaving behind, as air, the old ways of thinking.  Redemption can be that fast.  And, easy.  Outside my garden those redemptions have little chance of being seen, or heard, much less, taken.


All pics, above, here.  Lovely article, well written.  

Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara


Accepting new clients.  Hope you're wanting your, Life Pastoral.  It's more than a garden. .

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