Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Historic World Pivot Point: Rarely Captured in a Garden

Remnants of historic gardens, from garden design studies across the globe for decades, create a trinity: woodland, low meadow, stone focal point.

You are looking at, above, when-the-music-stopped.
A concrete terrace built during the 20's for evening dances, think Gatsby, was topped with a stone fountain during the 30's.
It is rare to see, in concrete, when the world shifted.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Pic Shaw Gardens, Jamaica.  Had quite a 'moment' when I saw this, of course my friends were happily obliviously walking past fast, before I told yet another garden 'thang'.  Poor dears, they had to tolerate my 1 track mind.
Know what else you are seeing above?  Maximum pollinator habitat: high density with low density + water.


  1. OH to have a dance floor in my garden!YOU HAVE JUST GIVEM ME AN IDEA!Love it!

  2. How lovely a dance floor would be in a garden!!!


    The music has started!!

    Wonderful posts from Jamaica!!!

  3. "poor dears"? Are you kidding? Next time, tape those "garden thangs" I will BUY them!!! I would happily pay to hear your observations on gardens!!

  4. how adorable that my friends "La Contessa" beat me to the first comment. Unfair. She has just returned from Venice; and she wakes up at 2 in the morning!!

    We adore your blog; and YOU!!!
