Monday, October 21, 2013

Vanishing Threshold: Dining Room + Landscape

Where, below, do your eyes land?

Mine went straight to the urn outside and its placement dead-center on the French doors, vanishing threshold.
No accident the photographer caught it.  Douglas Newby has quite a nice day job !  We know the truth about easy day jobs, they require work.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic via Douglas Newby.   Photographers & interior designers rarely pay attention to Vanishing Threshold.  I START every Landscape Design at the Vanishing Threshold.


  1. Whoa! This one took my breath away!
    I am always inspired here, my friend!
    Thank you so much for the kind words you leave on my blog! They are always a highlight and I am left smiling!



  2. Mine were also drawn to that gorgeous urn. Fantastic!

  3. The chandelier and the folds on the floor of the tablecloth!
