Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Designing Redolence

Not only historic, I want my garden designs to be redolent of having read, and adored, E.M.Forster.  Jane Austen, Wendell Berry, my grandmother, you get the message.

A garden must be more than 'there', it must take me somewhere.
For decades I've known, I travel farthest in my garden.
The owner of this garden, above, discovered me in my gown getting pics at 6am.  I knew it was she who created the magic.  As I walked barefoot in the dewy grass we meandered while she told me her garden's story.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pic Piper's Cove, Jamaica.  The resort was built in the early 90's and she could only afford tiny plants.  I know exactly how she feels about each one.


  1. I like the idea of "the well-read garden."

  2. Hi T: wanted to stop by and say hello and let you know that although I don't seem to have any time lately to leave comments on my favorite blog, I have added you to my blog roll on Nest by Tamara because I enjoy reading your gardening musings. Hope you feel inspired to add me to yours as well, and stop over to say hello sometime. Happy Nesting & Gardening Tamara
