Thursday, September 26, 2013

Media Bias Toward Rural America

'No Farms.  No Food.'   You'll see on quite a few bumpers in this county.

When did rural become code language for uneducated with our national media?

Media bias toward city thinking vs. farmers?

This country was created by farmers, Founding Gardeners by Andrea Wulf, is stuffed with tiny font, delicious historical facts & pleasure gardens along with the agricultural.
House, above, is surrounded by open & wooded acreage, heirloom livestock, potager, pleasure grounds, ponds, barns, and speaks easily to a dense social life shining a light on the many lobes & neural pathways of their minds, ripples into the larger community & crosses oceans in its reach to others of like spirit.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
pics taken last week at a jobsite.  Founding Gardeners has details about John Adams & Thomas Jefferson on their English garden tour & facts about George Washington fighting the Revolutionary War while taking every new garden idea England had & more.


  1. Yes quite the bias. Most people who speak about rural areas like that have no experience with that they criticize, hence the word prejudice! They couldn't hold a conversation with Jefferson, etc for long...

  2. This is an inspired post, Tara. You are so right on.

    I know that book. It's fascinating.

  3. Bias abounds. There are folks who understand a farm only in terms of industrial,mechanized, monocultured landscape. Pastoral scenes consigned to works of art, having no value in today's world of efficiency and feed the world production. Hedgerow Farm

  4. My husband and I both grew up on small farms and our sibilings are still active (dawn to dusk!) Talk to ANY of them and they love and are proud of what they accomplish. Appreciated your thoughts. franki

  5. LOVE this!

    and love the wallpaper and matching fabric!!

    True words!!

    Just came home from a week in the east......oh the garden, oh the dogs and cats!

    Oh!! The chickens!! How I missed them all!!!

  6. Hi again! I forgot to subscribe to comments!
