Friday, September 27, 2013

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

"The search for outward simplicity, for inner integrity, for fuller relationship -- is this not a limited outlook?  .....The world is rumbling and erupting in ever-widening circles around us.  The tensions, conflicts and sufferings even in the outermost circle touch us all...."

....I believe the heart is infinite -- modern communication loads us with more problems than the human frame can carry.

Our grandmothers, and even -- with some scrambling -- our mothers, lived in a circle small enough to let them implement in action most of the impulses of their hearts and minds."  Gift From the Sea, by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, copyright 1955.
Yes, the circles of living are too big.  Without my garden I could not navigate.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics at jobsite yesterday.  Her words could have been written this morning.


  1. Isn't it interesting how contemporary her thoughts read?

    Thank you for shining a light on a solution to a big problem -- the problem of today's technology limiting our feeling of accomplishment, power, wonder, and joy. Gardening.

  2. Thank you for this! I will stow this thought away, to be used as needed. (Beautiful images, BTW)

  3. I love re-reading Gifts from the Sea. Her words resound each time and so thank you for reminding me that all I need is all I have.

    Your post photos of the chair in the doorway are restful and a great respite before I start my day

    Thank you Tara!
