Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tara Maxwell: Natural Horse Training

He came emaciated, broken-hearted & mentally wounded about 2 years ago to a client's farm.

Last week he came to me in friendship, curiosity, hopeful of a treat, and told me what a fine day it was.  Tara Maxwell was hired from the start to work with him.  Horse Whisperer is the best description of her talent.

His pet dog, above, and one of the carts, below, he pulls regularly.

Most days he is in pasture with Jacob sheep, below.

It was the 1st time he treated me as a peer.  Tears were in my eyes.  Would I have the fortitude to overcome, as he has?

When Tara Maxwell & I overlap at the farm I never intrude, only watch her work from a distance.
The hand of Providence in action.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken at jobsite last week.  This is not a paid endorsement, just simple thanks at what I've witnessed.


  1. I have a relative that takes in horses that needs a good new home. He has one horse now and I love going there and just petting his nose and mane. He is happy now and will stay there forever.

  2. My assistant's friend adopted a horse who was found starving (with others) in Santa Ynez! That horse just won first prize in the horse show jumping and dressage!

    This horse is so grateful! she says she has never had a horse who was so good!

    They are grateful. And they don't bear a grudge. Lots to learn; there!

    You step on a dog's toe....every known one who pouts? Or stays mad? Or even IS mad for a second!

    Love this post!!!
