Thursday, June 21, 2012

How To Design A Small Frontyard

Nestled in a row of other homes, below,
 is the tiniest lot in historic Douglasville, GA.
Their backdrop evergreen hedge smudges visibility to their neighbor's home.
White picket fence stretches the white clapboard home's footprint.
Stone wall frames the view & directs foot traffic.
Horseshoe shaped lawn controls & expands visually the small space, its curve contrasting with the lines of the home.
Perennials are playful but the serious business is done at the house with evergreens.
Invitation is engraved on the stone column with boxwood in a pot.  A very sure hand.
Private world is created for public view.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Underlined portions are How To design A Small Frontyard.  Notice it doesn't include, "Oh, I just love this plant."

Of course without that primal URGE I wouldn't have a career !
This frontyard belongs to the waterfall post 2 days ago.  Sir Roy Strong said, "If you have an irregularly shaped area put a bonafide geometric shape in it.", when he lectured at the Atlanta History Center ages ago.


  1. If this was a Facebook post, I'd "like" it and wish I could triple like it!

    I seldom consider using a BIG curve (horseshoe) in my own areas.
    M U S T remedy that. And from this photo angle, it's clear how it echoes that huge round planter. And what is that across from it? A bird feeder? Is it on axis w/the boxwood?

    At first I thought those were caladiums in the distance, but see they are metal butterflies? Are they on axis w/the entrance to the garden?

    And will you show us where that fantabulous fountain is in relation to this scene?

    It's completely charming. . . . I'm smitten with this jewel box of a garden!

  2. Dearest Tara!

    Well, you certainly have a GOOD EYE for problem solving in a garden. We love what we have done with our place with out spending a ton of money. We are so satisfied with placing GREEN barriers rather than opting for fences. Fences are lovely but in the right yard.

    THANK YOU for visiting today! Yep, for me, my MAGICAL TRINITY IS:

    The royal treatment of the

    the HEARTH
    and the HEART.

    PEACE. Anita

  3. The underlined points really helps this guy to see where you're coming from. Thanks...and great bones there!
