Friday, June 22, 2012

Make Small Front Door Zone Live Large

The narrative of who lives here is already written before you knock on their front door.

 Everything about this home is TINY PERFECTION. 
 That boxwood, above, also provides mystery.
Who knew the hydrangea was there?
Would never have thought to add drama to it by putting it in a pot. 
Don't you know life is much better when the drama is merely putting your hydrangea in a pot?
And the boxwood/hydrangea continue the frontdoor zone....metaphorically.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Same tiny home/garden as yesterday.
Now, this moment, what does the narrative about your frontdoor zone say about YOU?


  1. Such a lovely little porch and the steps are perfection. My porches are huge, rooms in their own right and where everyone congregates on good weather. Just last night, the dogs and I sat on the back porch, watching the storm, welcoming the rain and preparing our thoughts for sleep.

  2. Charming. Love the art at the front door—and the attitude of welcome to my house.

    The first years—uh, about 18—of building our garden did no leave much time to sit on the porch. While not truly deep enough, we do have a wicker loveseat, window boxes on a bench, a console with plants, a mirror to reflect the potted palm at the porch's end. We are down about 7 inches of rain and several weeks ago we got an unexpected downfall. I yelled out to my husband, "Bring wine to the porch!" And we watched the late afternoon rain with is own impressionist light show on our front garden. No designer would have though that porch could hold so much excitement!

  3. The potted, elevated flowering plant (hydrangea) and the mystery (boxwood) really has my gears churning.

  4. Oh how gorgeous! I'm trying to determine the color trinity: white, pink/coral/red and black?

    My porch? It's telling people it's in a state of transition. It's been the same color as the cabin: terra cotta red/brown, but am painting it white so it stands out and doesn't recede.

    I'm learning, Tara. I'm learning. I'm not the quickest learner. . . but I'm learning!

  5. Oh - and I've recently received a beautiful, huge, tera cotta pot. Now I know what to put in it: Lace Cap hydrangea!


  6. Since I am a potter I often try to think about adding pottery to my landscaping. Needless to say I love this and think it's brilliant. I also love the artwork behind the potted hydrangea.
